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like a brick wall

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Q: Which model best describes the particles of a solid and their motion?
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Kinetic energy best describes the motion of the particles in a piece of steel.

What model best describes the particles of a solid and their motion?

I would describe it as this: All of the particles are tightly packed together with almost no spaces between them. Their motion is very limited, unlike that of a gas where the particles are spaced further apart and they are free to move around more.

How can you describe the motion of the particles in a solid?

The particles are tightly packed so they vibrate.

How can the motion of particles in Solid be described?

The particles in a solid are closely locked in position and can only vibrate.

Are the particles in a solid motion less?


What is the motion of particle in solid?

In a solid, the particles are packed tightly together. They do not have a lot of room for motion. These particles are arranged in a regular, usually repeating pattern.

What force of attraction limits the motion of particles in what?

Forces of attraction limit the motion of particles most in a solid. A solid that forms and separates from a liquid mixture is a precipitate.

Why are the particles in a solid in perpetual motion?

Because they want to be.

What type of motion is seen from the solid's particles?

Idfk . !

Describes distances between particles in a solid?


What is the motion in solid iodine?

The particles vibrate in a fixed position

What is the kinetic motion of the particles in solid?

They are locked together for which they vibrate