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The amount of mass that "disappears" in the fusion of two hydrogen atoms is more than the amount of mass that "disappears" when two atoms are used in a fuel cell.
the amount of mass that dissapears.........ect

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Tiarra Bedwell

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βˆ™ 3y ago

More mass is converted to energy in a fusion reaction then in a chemical reaction, such as that found in a fuel cell

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Meme Warrior

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βˆ™ 3y ago
thx my niddaΒ you earned my gamer respectΒ  ( Ν‘β€’ ΝœΚ– Ν‘β€’ )
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Sel Mania

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 3y ago
Thank you, The answer above was absolute rubbish, and it didn't make a lick of sense. This was the answer on Apex.

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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity by combining hydrogen fuel with oxygen from the air, producing water as a byproduct. Hydrogen fusion, on the other hand, is a nuclear reaction that combines hydrogen isotopes under high pressure and temperature to release vast amounts of energy, similar to how the sun generates energy.

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Q: Which of the following is true regarding hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?
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What statement best describes the different between hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

Hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, producing water as the only byproduct. Hydrogen fusion, on the other hand, involves combining hydrogen isotopes under high temperature and pressure to release energy, mimicking the process that powers the sun. Fusion has the potential to generate much more energy than fuel cells but is still in the research and development stage for practical applications.

10. Hydrogen peroxide is a substance that is produced as a byproduct of many cell processes. However hydrogen peroxide is toxic to cells. In fact if cells are unable to break down hydrogen peroxide th?

Cells produce hydrogen peroxide as a byproduct of many metabolic processes, but it is toxic to cells if it accumulates. Cells have enzymes like catalase to break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, preventing cellular damage. If cells are unable to break down hydrogen peroxide, it can lead to oxidative stress and damage to cellular components.

Why doesn't hydrogen peroxide kill human cells?

Hydrogen peroxide can damage human cells by creating oxidative stress, but our cells have enzymes like catalase that help break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, minimizing its harmful effects. Additionally, human cells have mechanisms to repair the damage caused by hydrogen peroxide.

What do hydrogen fuel cells burn with?

Hydrogen fuel cells combine hydrogen with oxygen from the air to produce electricity, heat, and water as byproducts. This process is known as electrochemical conversion.

Can you use hydrogen peroxyde in a fuel cell?

Hydrogen peroxide can be used in certain types of fuel cells called direct borohydride fuel cells. In these fuel cells, hydrogen peroxide is used as an oxidant in place of oxygen. However, the efficiency and practicality of using hydrogen peroxide in fuel cells is still being researched and developed.

Related questions

What is true is true regarding hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

More mass is converted to energy in a fusion reaction than in a chemical reaction, such as that found in a fuel cell. - APEX

Is true regarding hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen?

the amount of mass that disappears in the fusion of two hydrogen atoms is morte than the amount of mass that dissappears when two atoms are fully used in a cell

What is true of hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

Beyond their use of hydrogen to make power there are nothing but differences between the two. Fuel cells combine oxygen and hydrogen in a porous membrane to make electricity. Hydrogen fusion takes two hydrogen atoms and fuses them into a helium atom generating heat and several particles.

What is the difference between hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fussion?

In fuel cells the hydrogen is oxidised to water. In fusion 2 different isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium and tritium) fuse together to form helium.

What statement best describes the different between hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

Hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, producing water as the only byproduct. Hydrogen fusion, on the other hand, involves combining hydrogen isotopes under high temperature and pressure to release energy, mimicking the process that powers the sun. Fusion has the potential to generate much more energy than fuel cells but is still in the research and development stage for practical applications.

What are some vocab words associated with hydrogen?

biomass, fuel cells, fusion, electrylosis

What generalization can be made regarding the kinds of cells which have catalase?

Hydrogen peroxide is being decomposed to water and oxygen in those kinds of cells.

What is the difference between hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

More energy is produced per reaction in a fusion reaction than in a fuel cell. -Apex

What Processes depend on fusion Check all that apply. A. energy production in the sun B. energy production in nuclear reactors C. the hydrogen bomb D. energy production from fuel cells?

A. energy production in the sun and C. the hydrogen bomb rely on fusion processes. Fusion reactions combine nuclei to release energy, with the sun and hydrogen bombs utilizing this mechanism. Nuclear reactors and fuel cells involve fission or chemical reactions, respectively, rather than fusion.

What Processes depend on fusion Check all that apply. production in the sun production in nuclear reactors C.the hydrogen bomb production from fuel cells?

It's A and C. The sun and most other stars are fusion reaction engines, and hydrogen bomb (perhaps more properly a fusion nuclear weapon) apply nuclear fusion to do what they do.

Does the sun have cells?

No, cells are only present in organisms

What has hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. It is essential for powering stars through nuclear fusion and is a key component of water and organic molecules. Hydrogen fuel cells are being explored as a clean energy source for various applications.