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According to experts, the statement that is most closely associated with the process of electron transport is the pigment complex in the membranes of the thylakoids.

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Q: Which of these is most closely associated with the process of electron transport?
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During aerobic respiration electrons are passed down the electron transport chain and what is formed?

Aerobic respiration is a cellular level process in which nutrients are changed into energy. The electrons that pass down the electron transport chain react with oxygen (thus, aerobic) and protons to form water.

When is the electron transport chain carried out?

Plants, fungi, and animals are all eukaryotes and possess mitochondria, which is the site of the electron transport chain. Prokaryotes have no mitochondria and perform the electron transport chain across their cell membranes. Electron transport chain also occurs in thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts.

What does an Aerobe use as the final electron acceptor?

Aerobes use oxygen as the final electron acceptor in electron transport phosphorylation. The process that yields a final product called lactate fermentation.

Is the energy from sunlight trapped by chlorophyll located in the electron transport chain?

No, the energy trapped by chlorophyll is located in photosystem I and II. Light energy is first captured by PS II and an electron is then transferred to a primary electron acceptor known as plastoquinone. Pq then transfers it's electron to the cytochrome complex that transfers its energy to the electron transport system which passes it on to plastocyanin which in turn gives its electron to PS I where it is re-excited by photons. This process is known as the electron transport but the energy captured by chlorophyll is located in the photosystems.

Why is electron transport so critical in the process of cellular respiration?

Electron transport is a critical process in cellular respiration because it provides energy for cells in the form of ATP. Electron transport occurs in the mitochondria of cells and involves the transfer of electrons from one molecule to another. The energy generated from this process is used to synthesize ATP the main energy currency of cells. This energy is then used to power a variety of cellular processes such as DNA replication and protein synthesis. Without electron transport cells would not be able to generate the energy required for these essential processes.Electron transport is essential for cellular respiration because it: Moves electrons from one molecule to another Generates energy in the form of ATP Powers a variety of cellular processesIn conclusion electron transport is a critical process in cellular respiration because it provides cells with the energy required for essential processes. Without it cells would not be able to generate the energy required for these processes and would not be able to survive.

Related questions

What stages in the process of aerobic respiration make it an aerobic process?

Because oxygen is the last electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, the electron transport chain makes aerobic respiration aerobic.

Is The electron transport chain is an anaerobic process.?

Yes it is.

Which process does this animal rely on to produce most of its ATP molecules?

Electron transport chains

Which reactions of aerobic respiration occur in the inner mitochondrial membranes?

Chemiosmosis and the electron transport chain's process

The electron transport chain produces ATP through what process?

The electron transport chain produce ATP during cell respiration and photosynthesis.

Can the electron transport chain be found in animals or plants?

In the process of making ATP, all air-breathing animals have cells that go through the process of the Electron Transport Chain.

Intracellular transport of materials is most closely associated with which cell organelle?

The transport of material into and out of the cell is a process that is linked to many biological processes. Although it is difficult to pinpoint, the mass transport is most broadly linked to the general rate of metabolism.

A series of molecules found in the inner membranes of mitochondria and chloroplasts through which electron pass in a process that causes protons to build up on one side of the membrane?

i belive it is electron transport chain

What process occurs across the cell membrane?

the electron transport chain.

What process occurs in a cell membrane?

Electron Chain

A dog chasing a rabbit needs energy from the food it has eaten which process makes the usable energy for the dog?

the electron transport chain

Why is hydrogen important to cellular respiration?

Because the crucial process of electron transport occurs along the Electron-Transport-Chain using/employing H+. (Short Answer)