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Aluminum is the 3rd row of our Periodic Table, so to make its short-hand electron configuration, we start with the noble gas on the end of the previous row, neon (Ne), in this case. Being in the 3A column, Al has 3 electrons in the outer shell, so the configuration is:

[Ne] 3s2 3p1

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Q: Which shows the electron configuration of Al in noble gas notation Use a periodic table as needed?
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Shouldn't you do the homework yourself. Teach your teacher!

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What advantages does scientific notation have over ordinary notation?

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Knowing that the mass of an electron is 9.11 * (10^-31) which will be 9.11E-31 as e-notation. So the number of electrons needed to equal the mass of salt crystal 0.025 that its e-notation is 2.5E-2 will give us the following equation: 2.5E-2 / 9.11E-31 = 2.74E28 So the answer as e-notation is 2.74E28. Or if you want to write as 2.74 * (10^28). Abdellatif Rochdi.