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1:the fusion reaction requires a very large amount of energy yo bring two positively charged nuclei closer together against the electrostatic force of repulsion between them.for this purpose,the nuclei should move to wards each other with very high speed. but this speed can only be produced by an this can be used on small scale and is not so essay.

2:the fusion reaction take place at tremendously high temperature that is about 10 million degree Celsius.such a high temperature can not b obtained easily.its mean fusion reaction required high temperature and high energy but both of them are difficult to achieve.

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2mo ago

Fusion reactions are difficult to initiate due to the high temperatures and pressures required to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged nuclei. These conditions are necessary to bring the nuclei close enough together for the strong nuclear force to overcome the electrostatic force and allow fusion to occur. Achieving and sustaining these extreme conditions poses significant technical challenges.

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12y ago

Actually it is not difficult at all. In fact two men died on the Manhattan project performing tests on plutonium bomb cores when they accidentally slipped and made the cores "prompt supercritical". The air in the room instantly lit up bright blue with cherenkov radiation. Each man instantly knew he had already received a guaranteed fatal radiation dose in that moment, so to protect the others in the room hand disassembled the core and reflector, receiving severe radiation burns on their hands. These accidents occurred in 1945 and 1946, after that they made a machine to do these dangerous tests instead of doing them by hand. Each man was estimated to have received between 5000 REM and 8000 REM and died within a couple weeks. A few of the closest in the room were estimated to have possibly received up to 200 REM and suffered radiation sickness but recovered. Actual doses are not known as nobody had dosimeters on them.

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11y ago

This is really Physics, not chemistry! However I used to work for the school associated with the JET project that has achieved limited fusion. The physicists there always told me the criteria that made it difficult to achieve were:

1] high enough temperature .. about 10^8 C

2] containing the plasma at that temperature using electromagnetic fields

3] stopping the plasma touching the container and losing it


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15y ago

Positive nuclei repel one another

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Q: Which statement explains why fusion reactions are difficult to initiate?
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Why energy is necessary to chemical reactions and describe some common sources of energy.?

Energy is necessary for chemical reactions because it allows molecules to overcome activation energy barriers and initiate reactions. Common sources of energy for chemical reactions include heat, light, electricity, and catalysts. These sources provide the necessary energy to break existing bonds and form new ones during a chemical reaction.

What protein is produced by the body that starts chemical reactions?

Enzymes are proteins produced by the body that act as catalysts to start and speed up chemical reactions. They lower the activation energy required for reactions to occur, making them essential for various cellular processes.

Why do chemical reactions always involve a change in energy?

Chemical reactions involve the breaking and formation of bonds between atoms, which requires energy. The energy change in a reaction is needed to overcome the activation energy barrier and initiate the process. This change in energy is essential for the rearrangement of atoms and the formation of new substances.

Why do reactions require activation energy?

Activation energy is needed to overcome the energy barrier and initiate a chemical reaction. It ensures that reactant molecules have enough energy to break existing bonds and form new ones. Without activation energy, reactions would not proceed efficiently or may not occur at all.

How chlorine gas react with carbon?

Chlorine gas can react with carbon to form carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) or carbon dichloride (C2Cl4) depending on the conditions of the reaction. These reactions typically require heat or light to initiate the process.

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The most spontaneous reaction is typically a reaction that releases a large amount of energy in a short period of time, such as explosions or combustion reactions. These reactions occur quickly and without requiring an external force to initiate them.

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