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graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes and others. Graphite is classical example of sp2 carbon

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Q: Which substance show maximum sp2 carbon atoms?
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Do chemical formulas show the total number of atoms in a sample of a compound?

Yes, chemical formulas show the number of atoms in a compound. Water is H2O -- two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. Carbon dioxide is CO2 -- one carbon and two oxygen atoms.

How does the diagram show that mass has been conserved in this reaction?

Because there are three groups in substance Q and substance R, and there are three atoms in substance P.

Which number in a chemical equation shows you the number of atoms?

The coefficient times the subscripts in a chemical formula show you the number of atoms of each element for each substance in the equation.

Does the chemical formula show one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms?

For carbon dioxide it does 0=C=O and also for carboxylic acids ---COO.

CuCO3 how many atoms of carbon are show in this formula?

There is one atom of carbon in this formula. The formula indicates one atom of Copper + one atom of Carbon + 3 atoms of oxygen. O3 added to any compound prompts the suffix -ate, so in this case, you have a formula for Copper Carbonate.

What do the subscripts in the formula for ethane represent?

subscripts in a formula indicates the number of atoms in a molecule or the ratio of elements in a compound.

Molecules of acetone and propyl aldehyde are both made from 3 carbon atoms 6 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. The molecules differ in their arrangement of atoms. How do formulas show this?

The molecular formula, C3H6O, obviously does not show the difference between the isomers. You can draw a full structural formula for each of them, but we also can simply group the atoms to show their positions, viz CH3COCH3 for acetone and C2H5CHO for propionaldehyde.

Skeletal formula ehtane?

The skeletal formula for ethane will show how the six hydrogen atoms share 1 electron with carbon in order to form six carbon-hydrogen covalent bonds. The two carbon atoms, in turn, will each share an electron to form on carbon-carbon covalent bond. This makes up the ethane molecule.

What doesn't the chemical formula of a compound indicate?

The chemical formula of a compound does not indicate the structure of the molecule, such as the ways in which the atoms are bonded to one another. For example, CO2 is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide, but doesn't tell you how the atoms are bonded together. The structural formula of carbon dioxide is O=C=O. Now we can see that the carbon atom is in the middle, and the two oxygen atoms both form a double bond with the central carbon atom, and not to each other. It also shows that it is a linear molecule.

What contains lots of carbon?

Generally organic compounds have lots of carbons (tens of them in number). This is because of a property called catenation which allows carbon to form long chain of like atoms (other carbon atoms). Such property is usually not shown by other elements. Silicon show it to some extent. It has some compounds with upto 8 silicon chains.

What does the formula Na2CO3 show about the compound?

The name of the compound Na2CO3 is sodium carbonate. It has: 2 atoms of sodium (Na) 1 atom of Carbon 3 atoms of Oxygen bound together with ionic and polar-covalent bonds