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A mole of Au

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Q: Which would have a higher mass a mole of K atoms or a mole of Au atoms?
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What would have the greatest mass 1 mole of iron atoms 2 moles of oxygen atoms 4 moles of carbon atoms or 1 mole of potassium atoms?

1 mole of iron atoms has the greatest mass - 55,845 g.

Does mole of carbon atoms have a different mass than a mole of sulphur atoms?

Yes. To find out the mass of a mole of atoms of any given element, see the atomic mass given on the periodic table. A mole of carbon atoms has a mass of 12.011 grams. A mole of sulfur atoms has a mass of 32.06 grams.

What is the relationship between an Atoms mass and one mole of that atom?

If the Atomic Mass of an atom is x, then the mass of 1 mole of the atoms is x gram.

Avogadros number of phosphorus P atoms would have a mass of?

By saying Avogadro's number of atoms, you are saying one mole (or 6.02 × 1023 atoms). And one mole of any elements is its atomic mass. Phosphorus' atomic mass is 31.0 grams

What is the difference between the mass of a mole of oxygen and a mole of O2 molecules?

A mole of oxygen atoms has a mass of approximately 16 grams. A mole of O2 has a mass of approximately 32 grams. A mole is 6.02 x 1023 particles and as such a mole of oxygen atoms has only half the mass of a mole of oxygen molecules.

15.Why does one mole of carbon atoms have a smaller mass than one mole of sulfur atoms?

Because the sum of protons, neutrons and electrons masses in sulfur atom is higher than in a carbon atom.

Is there such thing as 6.0221023 atoms equal to 1g?

Yes. One mole (6.022x1023) of hydrogen atoms would have a mass of about 1g.

Why does a mole of copper atoms weigh less than a mole of lead atoms?

Because copper has a smaller molar mass, hence it will have less mass per mole than lead.

Which has greater mass mole of silver or mole of gold?

gold, as it has a higher molar mass

Is it true the size of a mole of atoms has a reasonable mass?

is it true the size of a mmole of atoms has a reasonable mass

What is the mass of 1 mole of carbon atom?

We use the equation: Mass = Number of moles * Molecular or atomic mass Since the number of moles is 1 ("one mole of carbon-12 atoms") and the atomic mass of carbon-12 atoms is 12, hence the mass would be 12 grams. Note that the unit grams (g) is used here, as it is the SI unit for mass measurement. I hope this is useful! :)

Avogadro's number of aluminum atoms has a mass equal to?

Thast is one mole. 26.98 grams/per mole is the mass.