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1kg of lead at 400°C would have more energy because thermal energy is directly proportional to temperature, and the higher the temperature, the higher the thermal energy.

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Q: Which would have more energy 1kg of lead at 400c or 1kg of lead at 40c?
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If you had a lead sample that was double the mass of the sinker you used in the investigation what would be the heat capacity of the heavier sample?

The heat capacity of the heavier lead sample would be higher because it requires more energy to raise the temperature of a larger mass of material. The heat capacity is directly proportional to the mass of the substance, so a double mass lead sample would have double the heat capacity compared to the sinker used in the investigation.

Would the 5P orbital or 5D orbital have more energy?

The 5D orbital would have more energy than the 5P orbital. This is due to the fact that in general, d orbitals have higher energy than p orbitals because they experience more shielding from inner electrons and have a more complex shape which leads to higher energy.

How do you make lead in 2 gold?

To create lead from gold, you must first convert the gold into a lead isotope through a nuclear reaction process. This process involves bombarding the gold with high-energy particles, typically neutrons, to induce a nuclear reaction that transforms the gold atoms into lead atoms. This method is not practical for everyday applications due to its complexity and the need for specialized equipment and expertise.

If you were to walk down stairs would you have more potential energy at the top or at the bottom?

You would have more potential energy at the top of the stairs because your potential energy is dependent on your height relative to the ground. As you descend the stairs and move closer to the ground, your potential energy decreases.

What is the symbol of lead iodine?

Lead iodide is not a correct name. Lead is a transition metal and can form more than one ion. The charge of the lead ion should be in the name. For example, lead(II) iodide, which would be PbI2. Lead(IV) iodide would be PbI4.

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If Earth's net radiation budget became unbalanced, it would lead to a change in global temperature. If there was more incoming energy than outgoing energy, it would result in warming, potentially causing issues like global warming and climate change. Conversely, if there was more outgoing energy than incoming energy, it would lead to cooling and could result in an ice age.

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Does aluminum need more or less energy than lead to raise its temperature one degree?

Aluminum needs less energy than lead to raise its temperature by one degree, as aluminum has a lower specific heat capacity compared to lead. This means that aluminum can absorb and release heat more easily than lead for the same change in temperature.

Which would weigh more a brick made of iron or the same size brick made of lead?

A brick made of lead would weigh more than a brick made of iron, as lead is denser and heavier than iron. Even though they are the same size, the lead brick would have more mass.

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it would totally lead to marriage.

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a campfire would have bunches more energy

Would a marble have more potential energy or kinetic energy?

A marble at the top of a ramp would have more potential energy due to its position, while a marble rolling down the ramp would have more kinetic energy due to its motion.

What container has more thermal energy?

The container that has more thermal energy would be the one with a higher temperature. Thermal energy is directly proportional to temperature, so the container with a higher temperature would have more thermal energy.

What is energy balanced?

Energy balance can be described by this equation : Energy intake = internal heat produced + external work + energy stored.

Would you spend more money on alternative energy sources?

I would. Alternative energy would cost more in the short term, but in the long term, it evens out.

What would happen if we didn't save energy?

If we didn't save energy, we would deplete non-renewable resources faster, increase pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and put more strain on the environment. This could lead to higher energy costs, more environmental degradation, and negative impacts on biodiversity and human health.

Which should be the best on knocking the bear down- a rubber bullet or a lead bullet with the same momentum explain?

A lead bullet would be more effective at knocking down a bear due to its higher density and stopping power compared to a rubber bullet of the same momentum. The lead bullet would penetrate deeper into the bear's body and cause more damage, increasing the likelihood of stopping the bear's attack.