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Q: Who has the most active group of nonmetals noble gases alkaline earth halogens alkali metals?
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What is the most active group of nonmetals noble gases alkali metals halogens alkaline earth?

The most active metals are alkali metals.The most active nonmetals are halogens.

What are the chemical families on the periodic table?

Well, several are, and from left to right. Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals. Transition metals. Metaloids. Nonmetals. Halogens. Nobel gasses.

What are the three classes of group A elements?

Alkali, alkaline earth metals, and nonmetals.

What is the most reactive family of nonmetals and metals?

The most reactive nonmetals are in group 17 (halogens). The most reactive metals are in group 1 (alkali metals).

What groups is the most reactive alkaline earth or alkali or halogens or noble gases?

I think alkali is the most reactive one.

What are examples of families in the periodic table?

The alkali metals, the alkaline earth metals, the transition metals, metalloids, nonmetals, including the halogens and the Nobel gasses.A simplified list including general groups and families of elements.

Which of these groups of metals is the most active alkaline earth alkali halogen coinage?

The alkali group of metals is the most active.

Which two elements would form an ionic bond?

Metals - especailly alkali and alkaline earths, and halogens.

What are the major families in periodic table?

The basic famillies are - Group 1 the alkali metals. Group 2 the alkali earth metals Group 7 the halogens Group 0 or 8 (depending on your periodic table) are the noble gases.

What groups are the very reactive elements from?

there are alkali metals that are the most reactive metals on the periodic table and halogens which are the most reactive nonmetals

What families contains ele-ments with one valence electron1 alkali metals2 oxygen group3 alkaline earth metals4 noble gases5 halogens?

alkali metals

What forms ionic compounds?

Alkali metals , alkaline earth metals and halogens are most important ionic compound former .