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Q: Who is the mother of chemistry?
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How knowledge the chemistry of the mother?

to know the advantages of the food she buy.

What is mother liquor in crystallization?

Mother liquor is a deprecated term from older chemistry texts that refers to the solution that remains after crystallization occurs and the crystals are removed.

A sentence using the word contadiction?

She had learnt not to contradict her mother, for her mother was very strict.

What decanting?

In chemistry carefully pouring off the liquid (mother liquor) from the precipitate. It depends which one is of interest as to what hpppens next.

Why is chemistry the mother of all sciences?

Because biology is the father (and applied physics is the slightly strange long-lost uncle...)

What is the impact of chemistry to the profession?

many professions and occupations need some knowledge of chemistry like the chemistry of fertilizers is very important to a farmer to assure him of a bountiful harvest. A salesman feels more confident and persuasive if he knows the composition and the properties of the products he is selling. Chemistry helps mother decides what food or detergent to buy. An architect or engineer should have a knowledge of chemistry to enable him to choose the best constructions material.

What comes in your mind when you hear the word chemistry?

I have a minor in chemistry as part of my bachelor's degree. While in undergraduate I tutored fellow students in inorganic, organic and biochemistry for three years, and my mother has taught high school chemistry for 35 years. Based on all of this, I would say I know a fair deal of chemistry, particularly inorganic chemistry. The real question is, what do you want to know about chemistry?

How does chemistry depend on chemistry?

Chemistry is entirely dependent on chemistry. If it weren't for chemistry, chemistry wouldn't exist.

What are the five major branches of chemistry?

there are five branches: inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, and biochemistry. they could be further broken down into sub-branches such as organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electroanalytical chemistry, and so on and so forth.

What are the five branches of chemistry?

Physical chemistry Analytical chemistry Organic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Materials chemistry

Difference between filipino chemistry and foreign chemistry?

language is different, filipino chemistry is chemistry of filipine, foreign chemistry is chemistry of that country

How is environmental science related to chemistry?

Chemistry is the chemistry if youre a chemistry then good for you