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The first mechanical clock was made in 723 A.D. by a monk and mathematician I-Hsing. It was an astronomical clock and he called it the "Water Driven Spherical Birds-Eye-View Map of The Heavens". In a few years after it was built the bronze and iron mechanism started to corrode, and in cold weather the water would freeze. In 976 A.D. Chang Ssu Hsiin built the same clock except he used Mercury instead of water, but few details of this clock survive. This was the first successful clock that didn't have serious defects. A clock made by Su Sung, an astronomer, on the order of emperor Ting Zong in 1090 was 30 feet tall and was used to clock the planets and stars, and to keep track of the time. On the top was a spherical astronomical instrument used to measure the stars and driven by the clock's giant water-powered mechanism. Inside the tower was a smaller celestial globe whose movements were the same as the one on the roof and which could be viewed in bad weather or if the one on the roof was crowded. On the front of the tower was a pagoda-like structure of five floors, each housing numerous wooden puppets. The puppets would appear about every quarter of an hour day and night, and would play drums, bells, gongs, and string instruments. All the puppets' movements were controlled by the clock's machinery. The clock was powered by a huge water wheel with scoops on the ends of each blade. Water dripped into a scoop until it was full,, and then the wheel would turn, causing the water in the scoop to be poured out into a basin and the next scoop to progress and start the process all over again. When the wheel turned the puppets would change and so would the astronomical clocks. Su Sung's clock ran from 1090-1126, when it was moved to Peking, were it stood for several more years. The design for these Chinese clocks was later copied by the Europeans, and they were even originally credited for first inventing them. The clocks made by the Chinese are to me one of the best things that the Chinese invented. They look astounding in pictures, but must have been breath taking in real life.

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9y ago
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11y ago

That would be God:

(Genesis 1:14, 15) 14 And God went on to say: "Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years. 15 And they must serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth." And it came to be so.

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14y ago

The Sumerians are traditionally believed to be the first people to measure and document time. They based this upon the sexesgesmal, which is a math system based on 10s and 60s, such as 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours. There, however, exists some conjecture that the Pre-Columibian people of Mesoamerica certainly had some concept of time. By the rise of the Incan, Mayan, and Olmec people, the civilizations of the early Americas had risen to a level similar to the Sumerians. While modern archeologists are still uncovering evidence of these civilizations, it is likely that much of their history was lost to the destruction that occurred when Europeans invaded. Considering, however, the complexity of the Aztec and Mayan calendars, time was an ancient concept to these people by the time of the invasion.

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13y ago

Liaug Ling-can invented the first mechanical clock in the year 724

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2mo ago

The Sumerians are considered one of the first societies to develop a system to measure time. They used a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon to track time.

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15y ago

Sundials in the daytime, "standard candles" at night.

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12y ago

Who started the measurement of time?

you started the measurement of time, who else would have started it

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15y ago

the dragons

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How do you measure a melting ice cube?

You can measure the melting of an ice cube by tracking the time it takes for the ice cube to fully melt. Alternatively, you can measure the volume of water produced as the ice melts by placing the ice cube in a container and measuring the change in water level.

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There is no direct conversion between seconds and liters. Seconds are a unit of time, while liters are a unit of volume. They measure different quantities and cannot be converted to each other.

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You can measure the rate of starch breakdown by regularly sampling the solution over time and using a test, such as iodine, to track the disappearance of starch. Record the time it takes for the solution to no longer show a blue color, indicating complete starch breakdown. Calculate the rate of breakdown by analyzing the change in color intensity over time.

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To measure temperature using a lab thermometer, first ensure the thermometer is calibrated. Immerse the thermometer in the substance or environment whose temperature you want to measure, making sure it is fully submerged but not touching the container's sides. Wait for the temperature reading on the thermometer to stabilize before recording the measurement.

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