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Alkaline metals are usually found only as compounds in Nature because these metals are very active chemically and will combine with many commonly found substances such as water.

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Q: Why are alkaline metals mostly compounds?
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Is an metal acidic or alkaline?

Pure metals are neither, no pure element is and acid or an alkali, it is only compounds made from elements that have this property. When metals form compounds those compounds are typically alkaline.

Why is group 1 metals called alkali metals?

They're metals that form alkaline compounds when they react with water.

Is a metal an acid or alkali?

its definitley not acid Some metals are called alkali metals or alkaline earth metals because they often form alkaline compounds; but metals are not alkali or acids.

in general compounds formed from active metals and hydroxide ions are?


How are alkali metals different from alkaline metals?

The alkali metals are generally more reactive than the alkaline earth metals. They form 1+ ions while the alkaline earth metals form 2+ ions. Alkali metal compounds tend to be more soluble in water than alkaline earth metals.

Compare and contrast the reaction of alkaline earth metals with their salts?

All alkaline earth metals and their salts are reactive and they have a blue-print that identifies them as an alkaline earth metal but metals exist as metals, and salts as salts, with different structural compounds.

Why are neither the alkali metals nor the alkaline earth metals found in nature?

Because these metals are very reactive and readily form compounds.

Why are neither the metals nor the alkaline-earth metals found uncombined in nature?

Because these metals are very reactive and readily form compounds.

What forms ionic compounds?

Alkali metals , alkaline earth metals and halogens are most important ionic compound former .

Why are neither the alkali metals nor the alkaline-earth metals found uncombined in nature?

Because these metals are very reactive and readily form compounds.

What term is used to describe naturally occurring compounds of metals?

Almost all inorganic compounds contain metals, depending upon the type of bonding. These are mainly of 2 types: salts and complexes. Mostly alkali and alkaline earth metals form salts while transition metals form complexes.

Which group from the periodic table combines most readily with other elements to form compounds?

Alkaline Earth metals