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They are in the same group (along with bromine and iodine) because they all have 7 valence electrons. That's why they are in group XVII (7A) of the Periodic Table (the halogens).

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They both have valency shells which can be filled with the addition of one electron. This gives them similar properties.

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Q: Why are chlorine and fluorine are kept in same group?
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Fluorine chlorine and bromine are in the same what?

group of elements. group 17 to e exact

Do fluorine and chlorine have the same chemical properties?

No. No two elements have the same chemical properties. However, the chemical properties of fluorine and chlorine are similar. Since they are similar, they are placed in the same group, group 17, on the periodic table.

What is the group for fluorine?

On the periodic table, fluorine and chlorine belong in group 17. This group is often called the halogen gases.

Why are fluorine and chlorine in the same group?

Both have one electron vacancy in their valency orbital.

Why are fluorine chlorine bromine and iodine placed in the same group?

Fluorine, chlorine bromine and iodine have seven electrons in their valence shells, and they all need one electron to have stabilized electron configuration. Therefore they are grouped in Group 17 (halogen group) of periodic table.

Are fluorine chlorine bromine in the same family?

Yes. Halogen Family includes chlorine, bromine, fluorine, iodine.

What are two elements that have properties similar to chlorine?

Elements similar to chlorine will be located in the same group(17).

Which element shares similar characteristics with fluorine?

The element chlorine shares similar characteristics with fluorine. Both the elements are in same group 17. Their valency is same(7). Both of them are found in same state i.e. gaseous

Do fluorine and chlorine have same electron valence configuration?

Both fluorine and chlorine have seven valence electrons. In the case of fluorine they're in n=2 and in the case of fluorine they're in n=3, but other than that they're the same.

Which of the elements in the periodic table has properties most similar to fluorine?

Chlorine would be most similar to fluorine. They are in the same group of the periodic table, so they undergo the same types of reaction in general, and chlorine is the next most reactive after fluorine.

Would fluorine's chemical properties resemble those of oxygen or those chlorine?

Fluorine's properties would more closely resemble those of chlorine than those of oxygen. This is because both F and Cl are in the same group (group 7, the halogens) and each has 7 valence electrons. Oxygen is in group 6, and has only 6 valence electrons.