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Different elements have different valences which affect how many hydrogen atoms they will bind with.

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Q: Why are different amounts of each element required to react with the same amount of hydrogen?
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What element has a small amounts of elemnt are required by the human body?

A trace element.

Why are different masses of each element required to react with the same amount of hydrogen?

Each element has a different molar mass and Molarity, using stoichiometry the conversion of molar mass can explain why.

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No. They have the same mass number, but different amounts of protons, so they are different elements. If they were the same element, they would have the same name.

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Hay is going to be mostly carbon and hydrogen with trace amounts of many other elements.

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Hydrogen is more reactive than the other 2 elements

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Carbon and hydrogen.

Are isotopes atmos of hydrogen is of the same element or different elements?

The isotopes of hydrogen are all hydrogen. They have the same number of protons, or atomic number, which is unique to each element.

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Zinc is a trace element as the others are found in large amounts.

How much matter makes up an element?

It varies depending on the element. The simplest hydrogen atom, for instance, has only one proton and one electron. One type of uranium has 92 protons, 92 electrons and 51 neutrons. Different atoms have different amounts of matter.

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No. They are two different elements.