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Gamma rays are photons (light particles). Photons are particles with no mass, no charge and no magnetic moment. Hence they cannot be affected by either an electric or a magnetic field.

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They are not deflected because they do not have a charge.

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they have no charge

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Q: Why are gamma rays not deflected when passed between electrically charged plates?
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What type of ray is not affected when it passed through a pair electrically charged plates?

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In Rutherfords gold foil exepirement Rutherford concluded that the atom is mostly empty space with a small massive positivley charged center because?

In Rutherford's gold foil experiment Rutherford concluded that the atom is mostly empty space with a small massive positively charged center because most of the electrons passed through but a few were wildly deflected.

What is the explanation for the scattering experiment of Rutherford?

Rutherford conducted an experiment in which Alpha particles were fired at a gold nucleus. Most of the particles passed through unaffected. However, some were deflected by a small amount whilst an even smaller number of the particles were deflected completely. This led to the conclusion that the atom has an extremely small, central, positively charged nucleus. As both the positive alpha particle and the positive nucleus repel each other by electrostatic forces. The fact that only a small amount of particles are deflected shows that the nucleus is only a tiny central part of the atom.

Who is Rutherford and the gold foil experiment?

Rutherford was a scientist who shot alpha particles through a very thin sheet of gold foil. The results of this experiment are the following: -Almost all alpha particles passed right through the Gold foil -A few alpha particlas were deflected and repelled .....These conclusions show that the majority of the atom of gold is empty space except for a small, positively charged nucleus. This nucleus is the reason why some alpha particlas were deflected(Alpha particles have a positive charge, which is repelled by a positive nucleus).

Is a past ball an error?

Yes, if the ball is pitched in a location where the catcher has a reasonable chance of stopping the ball, that is a passed ball and the error is charged to the catcher. If the ball is pitched in a location where the catcher does NOT have a reasonable chance of stopping the ball, that is a wild pitch and the error is charged to the pitcher. Actually, a passed ball is NOT charged as an error against the catcher. It's simply charged as a passed ball. Not terribly logical, I agree, but that's the rule.

How did Thomson know that the electrons that he had discovered had a negative charge?

He devised a crook's tube with a near perfect vaccum with two aluminum plates in the center of the tube. One plate served as the anode to a circuit while the other served as a cathode, effectively creating a magnetic field between then with a negative field on one side and a positve field on the other. electrons (cathode rays) were then passed through, Because electrons are negatively charged, the negatively charged anode will repel them and force them to strike the florescent screen at a lower spot than if allowed to pass through freely. When the current it reversed the electrons strike the screen at a higher point than would normally occur

How was it proved that whole mass of an atom is located at its centre?

,Rutherford alpha scattering experiment proved that most of the particles passed through the gold foil undeflected it means most of the volume occupied by atom is empty and few particles deflected it means there is centre of positive charged called nucleus,so hence proved whole mass of an atom is located in the centre..

Will someone who is charged with offense 240.26 will got to jail?

People have to be found guilty of an offence, not merely charged, before any sentence can be passed.

How did Rutherford explain the results of his gold foil experiment?

Rutherford made the following conclusions:Since most of the alpha particles passed straight through the gold foil without any deflection, most of the space within the atoms is empty.Since some of the alpha particles (which are big in size) were deflected by large angles or bounced backwards, they must have approached some positively charged region responsible for the deflection. This positively charged region is now called the nucleus.As very few alpha particles undergone the deflection, it was concluded that the volume occupied by the central region ( nucleus ) is very small.Since alpha particles which are relatively denser, were deflected by the central volume of charge, it shows that almost the complete mass of the atom must be within the central volume.

How did ernest Rutherford discover the atom?

Ernest Rutherford develop the idea that the atom has nucleus by using gold foil and alpha particles. Basically He shot the poistive laser to the gold foil which contains positive and negitive, and he saw the reflection of it and it tells us that there is positive charge to reflect positive laser with is proton. J.J Thomson already discover the electron, who has negative charge. Then Rutherford figured out the nucleus is positive.

What is the experimental evidence that most of an atomis empty space?

Ernest Rutherford determined that with his famous gold foil experiment. Here's what he did: he rigged an alpha particle emitter to shoot alpha particles (made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons) through a thin piece of gold foil to hit a background where the particles would register their position when they hit. Most of the alpha particles passed clean through the gold foil without touching anything. But a certain small percentage bounced back, and a certain small percentage were deflected. Here's what he determined: 1. atoms are mostly empty space, because most passed clean through. 2. atoms have a nucleus which is tiny, but dense compared with the electron cloud. 3. that nucleus is positively charged, because it deflected the positively charged alpha particles. This experiment radically changed our view of the structure of an atom, and is one of the most famous experiments ever conducted in science.