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That is exactly what a definition of an ion is. Ion's have charges. That's what they are. WHY? They lose or gain electrons.

By GAINING an electron, you have a negative (-) charge.

By LOSING an electron, you have a positive (+) charge.

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Q: Why are ions charged atoms and thus no longer neutral atoms?
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How are atoms and ions connected?

Atoms are neutral particles. Ions are charged atoms.

How are ions different from Atom?

Atoms are neutral on the Periodic Table. Ions consist of more or less electrons than atoms.

What is the atoms electrical charge?

Atoms are electrically neutral. Charged species are known as ions.

What makes ions out of neutral atoms?

Ions are formed when neutral atoms are either losing electron(s) or gaining electron(s) and thus are transformed to either positively or negatively charged ions.

Why are ions charged particles and no longer neutral?

Because there positive :P

What is the name of an ion that has a neutral charge?

by definition, ions are charged atoms. so a neutral ion doesn't exist

Does atom has a charge of positive 1?

Atoms are neutral. Ions can be charged, either positive or negative.

Charged atoms are called?

Charged atoms are called ions.

Are ions electrically neutral or do they have a charge Explain?

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Cations are formed by?

cations are positively charged ions formed by loss of electrons from the neutral atoms having 1,2,3 electrons in the outermost orbit

Why are ion charged particles and thus no longer neutral?

the positive and negative energy is no longer in balance causing the atom to become an ion+ or an ion-

Are all atoms neutral?

Can atoms become neutral and howAtoms are already neutral because they have both protons which are positive charged and electrons which are negatively charged. it has to be nueral because of the the same number of both negative and positive particles.