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There are two rows deprecated from Periodic Table because they have different properties.They are referred as lanthanides and actinides

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Q: Why are two of the rows of the periodic table deprecated from the rest of the chart?
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Why are the two bottom rows of the periodic table not attached to the rest of the table?

because they are less important metals

Where is lanthanides and actinides in the periodic table?

The 2 bottom rows separated from the rest

Each row in the periodic table ends when an outer energy level is what?

filled. That would be 2 electrons for helium, and 8 electrons for the rest of the noble gases in group 18 on the periodic table.

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Sodium, Potassium, and the rest vertically below it on Periodic Table.

Are there more nonmetals than metals on the periodic table?

Yes. There are only about 20 nonmetals and only 7 metalloids. The rest of the elements are metals.

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Calcium and Iron are 2. On the periodic table, look for the rest around these 2

What is the order in the modern periodic table?

Rows by Engery Rings supposedly, Columns by oxidation number, and the rest by atomic number.

What language is most used on the periodic table?

Primarily Greek, about 64 the rest are German, Spanish, Latin, and Americanized Latin.

What is element 120 on the periodic table?

There is no element 120. The highest atomic number according to the current periodic table is 118, of which only 3 atoms have been synthesized. There are only 92 naturally occurring elements. The rest have been, or will be synthesized in special laboratories.

How many man made elements are in the periodic table?

Out of the 112 elements known, 90 are found in nature and the rest (22 are man made).

Are the noble gases shown below the rest of the elements of the Periodic Table?

No they are in the far right coloumn. Starting with Helium and going all the way down

How many elements on the periodic table of elements?

In the Periodic table of Elements There are 118 Elements 96 are metals The rest are non-metals Group 7= Halogens Group 8/0= Noble gases Going down group 1 and 2, elements become more reactive