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Because the intermolecular bonds are not so strong.

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Q: Why do gases change in volume most easily?
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What state of matter undergoes change in volume most easily?

Gases adapt most easily to changes in volume.

What state of matter unergoes change in volume most easily?

A gas will undergo a change in volume more easily than either a liquid or a solid.

Which state of matter undergoes changes in volum most easily?

Gases undergo changes in volume very easily.solid

Gases diffuse most efficiently across what?

Diffusion of gases easily occurs across a membrane. The gases will have to be converted into liquids so as to diffuse easily.

What state of matter does not change its shape or volume?

This is a liquid. Note that the volume of a liquid will change a bit with temperature, but remains relatively the same. Also note that science teachers are fond of saying that a liquid takes the shape of its container, which is pretty much the same as saying it has no fixed shape.

What is the most stable state solid liquid or gas?

Solids are the least able to be changed. Liquidshave their volume conserved, though the shape may change. Gases have neither fixed volume nor shape.

If cooled does most solids change into gases?

When cooled gases change to liquids (usually) and then solids Solids don't change to gases upon cooling

What kind of gas is most affected by thermal escape?

Light gases; Gases that are light weight will more easily reach escape velocity than heavier gases.

Why solid do not mix well but gases and liquids mix easily in most cases?

Solids do not mix well because there shape can not change. But a liquid and a gas can change their form. For example- you can't just change the shape of ice, but you can change the shape of water. Hope that helps

What gases will dissolve most easily in water carbon dioxide oxygen or nitrogen?


Does volume change when substance changes states?

Yes. Usually when a substance freezes, or becomes a solid, it will decrease in volume, causing an increase in density. Water is an exception, which is less dense when it freezes/becomes solid.

Why do gases expand to fill any available volume?

This can be explained in terms of the kinetic molecular theory of gases. Due to the low density of gases, the particles are more widely spaced and so most of the volume taken up by a gas is empty space (as in any shaped container).