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Because the element 115 does in fact reanimate the body. It takes the hadron collider to create just a few atoms of this element though. Element 115 has been around since 2003 when Bob Lazar gave it fame. The true name of element 115 is Ununpentium and it is a radioactive man-made element. Scientists used a cyclotron to fire a rare calcium isotope at an americium target. Element 115 (temporarily named unupentium) was created when the calcium and americium nuclei fused. The unupentium persisted for less than one-tenth of a second before decaying into element 113 (ununtrium), which persisted for over a second.A girl died, her name was Samantha. She died of cancer, but on her death bed she told scientists to bring her the element 115. She died before they got enough to use, but her father "works in a high position for Treyarch" demanded they inject it in to her anyways. They gave her corpse the element 115, but it killed the scientists that administered it to her. But it did in fact bring her back to life. She was the one that killed the scientists, after she got the element 115.

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