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Carbon produces so many different compounds because it forms four chemical bonds per atom, which is very high - almost all other elements form fewer bonds. Silicon can also form four bonds, but because it forms stronger bonds, the resulting compounds do not have the same flexibility as carbon based compounds. Life requires not only a complex variety of compounds, but also requires the ability to alter those compounds as needed.

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12y ago

Because carbon has four valence electrons, it can easily form bonds with other carbon atoms and other elements. It is also due to the fact that carbon-based life often develops specific chemicals to do certain jobs; because they are so specialised in their effects, millions must be made and used in different ways.

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13y ago

A carbon atom can form four molecular links to other atoms, more than any other light atom. (Silicon also has four, but the links are not as strong.)

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Q: Why do so many carbon based compounds exist?
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Do compounds exist only in powder form?

No. Many compounds are liquids (water, hexane) and gasses (carbon dioxide, ammonia) at room temperature. Many compounds are solid at room temperature and can, but often do not exist in the form of a powder.

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The millions of compounds that exist are made from approximately 115 elements!

Why are carbon compounds classified as organic compounds?

Many "organic" compounds are created by living tissue, and living things (on Earth, at any rate) always are based on carbon.

How many ionic bonds does carbon form in its compounds?

Carbon normally forms four covalent bonds in its compounds, not ionic bonds.

What compounds make up carbon?

None. Carbon is an element. That means that you cannot break it down into any other matter. On the other hand, many compounds have carbon in them.

How many compounds are in carbon dioxide?

100000 i guess

How many carbon compounds have been discovered?

Scientists have found more than 10 million compounds. At least 9 million are molecular compounds that contain carbon. killme

What covalent compound contains carbon?

There are many covalent compounds with carbon in them - CO2 or carbon dioxide is one.

What carbon compound is in a nuts?

nuts contain many carbon compounds. Sugar, for example.

What are the different carbon compounds?

To list even a percent of all known carbon compounds would be extremely difficult for anyone; there are just too many.

Why carbon is organic?

Carbon is the main component of biologic materials; carbon has the ability to form many bonds and compounds.