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Even though water contains elements known to burn, its molecules have a unique specific heat capacity that keeps it from burning. Once it reaches that capacity, it will start to boil. If it goes higher than that capacity, then it will evaporate.

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9y ago
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13y ago

For a substance to burn, it must be combustible.On the other hand, water not only being incombustible but it is a substance that extinguishes fire. So, it does not burn.

A2. But most importantly, water is made by burning Hydrogen, so it has already been burnt.

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12y ago

Because water has hydrogen that has already been "burned".

The energy in the bonds of 2 water molecules (H20) are lower than the bonds

of 2 molecules of hydrogen (H2) and one molecule of oxygen (O2). So when

you bring H2 and O2 together with a tiny bit of energy (a flame or spark

just to start it), it will burn, releasing energy, and making water.

You can make hydrogen and oxygen from water by electrolysis, but that uses

energy, sort of like the reverse of burning.

The burning of gasoline is very similar, the bonds start off with more

energy, which is released on burning with oxygen to make CO2 (carbon

dioxide) and water. However, making gasoline from CO2 and water is

extremely difficult although with enough energy it's theoretically possible.

There is no simple way to explain. I was going to say that it could be due to lack of carbon, but that'd be incorrect as if you ground many solids into very fine particles you can make them fire up, with a source flame of course

^ that is a very good answer^ I'm going to try and write it simply... here goes.

Water does not burn because when something is burning it combines with oxygen and since the hydrogen has already been combined with oxygen it cannot burn. It is also very stable. I'm pretty sure this is right

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13y ago

water doesn't burn because it is water you silly little truffle! lol... sorry i was just bored.

The only good answer I ever got was. Anything that is already burned wont burn. Nobody knows

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13y ago

Actually, it can.

Water can extinguish fires except there are many things that can catch on fire like for example electronics or chemicals etc. so they are different types of fires and each fire has its own fire extinguishers that can put them out easily.

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11y ago

it doesn't burn because the water keeps the,.....cold so it doesn't burn.. the water does evaporate, but as long as the water's there the cup doesn't burn.

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13y ago

Oxygen is an oxidizer that will assist in the combustion of something else, however, oxygen itself will not burn because it is not flammable.

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13y ago

Water is totally oxidized hydrogen. It is essentially hydrogen "ash". Just as yo cannot reignite the ashes from a fire you cannot reburn hydrogen after it is water.

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