

Why does an atom suddenly decay?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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An atom is a natural structure that has protons and neutrons bound (fused) together in a nucleus, and electrons orbiting in energy levels about it. Different combinations of protons and neutrons create different elements or different isotopes of a given element. In any case, when we look across different combinations of protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei, there are instances where atomic instability results when a given combination has been made. There are, quite simply, some combinations of protons and neutrons that are "unacceptable" to the protons and neutrons that make up that combination. This is an unstable atomic nucleus, and it is radioactive. It will eventually decay by some means, and all because that nucleus is unstable and is seeking to "get rid" of the instability by undergoing radioactive decay. The nucleus is attempting to change into a stable form, and if the decay product is another unstable form, then another radioactive decay will eventually occur. And so on until the "end product" is a stable isotope of some element.

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The atom that results from nuclear decay is called the daughter atom. The element of the daughter atom would be called the daughter element. The atom that decayed is called the parent.

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The energy that comes from the radioactive decay of an atom can come from the electrons and can come from the strong force inside the nucleus.

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