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this is simply by the energy needed for the outer electron of boron is less than the energy for carbons outer electron. most elements which change shell will have a sudden decrease which then the factor of extra shielding decreases the attraction of the electron and the center of the atom.

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15y ago
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10y ago

becasue when you remove a second elctron from Boron you are entering a new sublevel, the 2s sublevel, which already contains 2 electrons and is in a stable form, where as when you are removing a second electron from carbon it is still in the same energy sublevel, the 2p sublevel so it requires less energy

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7y ago

Boron has 5 protons in the nucleus and Carbon has 6 protons in the nucleus. These hold the electrons in place, and since both have electrons in the 2nd energy level (period 2), the electrons are the same distance from the nucleus. So, it will be harder to remove an electron from carbon than from boron, because of the greater attraction by the nucleus. Thus a higher ionization energy.

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13y ago

because if krypton has more protons, therefore it has a greater nuclear charge so the electron is harder to remove

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14y ago

It isn't. The ionization potential of boron is 8.2980 eV, and the ionization potential of carbon is 11.2603 eV.

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Q: Why does carbon have a higher first ionization energy than boron?
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In the periodic table of elements, fluorine and iodine are in the same column, but fluorine is in the second, iodine in the fifth row. That means fluorine has only nine electrons flying around in orbitals while iodine has 53 of them. Ionization is the called a process during which a single electron is abstracted - we're now talking about the 1st ionization energy, which is much higher for fluorine. Well, as it only has nine electrons scattered in the orbitals (but according laws, of course), they do not really influence the repelling - attracting actions between the positive center and the other electrons beside them. For iodine with 53 electrons, they really do interfere with the attraction of other electrons AND as the outmost electrons (which are the ones taken away by ionization) are in those orbitals which are at the biggest distance to the center - for 53 electrons the outmost orbitals is at a much bigger distance... both results in a smaller attraction of the electrions at max distance from the center... so for iodine you need less energy to perform ionization.