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THe electrons cannot move from layer to layer, althought they are free to move within layers

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Q: Why does graphite conduct electricity in one plane?
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Is graphite a conductor or insulator?

Graphite is a conductor of electricity, but its conductivity varies greatly with direction: Conduction is high along the plane of the sheets of carbon atoms found in a single crystal of graphite, but much lower perpendicular to this plane.

Why is graphite a non-metal and a good conductor?

There are weak forces of attraction between layers, so one electron from each carbon atom can be de-localised(moved), which allows graphite to conduct heat and electricity.

Why does graphite conduct electricity whereas diamond does not and they are both allotropes?

Diamond and Graphite have 2 different structures, Diamond has a rigid tetrahedral network whereas Graphite has layers which completely changes the properties of both types of carbon. Basically graphite has free delocalised electrons which means electricity can be conducted, diamond however does not have any delocalised electrons which means it cannot conduct electricity. Both diamond and graphite are made up of strong covalent bonds which means they both have high melting points. Graphite is soft though because the layers which it is made up of slide, this makes it soft. Diamond is made up of carbon atoms close to each other and in a 3 layered cube shape which is a lot more rigid and this makes it 'the hardest substance on earth'. Hope this helps, Obrien9

Would a silver coin conduct electricey what kind of bonds does silver have?

Yes a silver coin can conduct electricity, Silver is one of the most commonly used to conduct electricity. Yes, silver is a very good conductor of electricity

Why does diamond not conduct electricity?

Most diamonds are not conductors, they are rather good insulators of electricity. The one exception is blue diamond, which is blue due to the addition of boron being included in the crystal lattice (normally, occasionally an excess of hydrogen can turn them blue as well but rare). The boron allows it to become a p-conductor, and thus it will conduct electricity. Note that one way to tell a real (boron doped) blue diamond from say a white diamond that has been colored blue (by irradiation, coating, etc), is to see if it will conduct electricity.

Related questions

Explain why graphite conduct electricity but silicon carbide does not?

Because graphite has one free electron that is not involved in bonding. The one delocalized electron can be used to conduct electricity. However silicon carbide is tetrahedrally bonded to 4 carbon atoms. There is not free electrons in the arrangement. With no delocalized electron, silicon carbide is unable to conduct electricity.

What minerals are in pencil lead?

Only Carbon - Graphite Its a covalent solid the only one that can conduct electricity

What non metal objects conduct electricity?

Only eighteen elements in the periodic table are generally considered nonmetals, compared to over eighty metals. Although nonmetals are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity when compared to metals, many of them still can conduct electricity. The metalloid elements (such as Silicon and Germanium) can conduct electricity and are used as semiconductors in electronics. Many generally nonmetal compounds (composed of nonmetals) can also conduct electricity, with gallium arsenide, and silicon carbide being popular components in semiconductors as well.

Can Carbon conduct electricity?

dose carbon dioxide conduct electricty

How can different forms of a solid have different clarities like graphite and diamond?

Although graphite and diamond are both formed from carbon, the physical structure of the electrons for each is different from the other. Diamond atoms are packed more tightly than are atoms in any other mineral, making them (more or less) clear -- there is no response to external stimulus, such as electricity that 'moves' the atoms. Graphite atoms are structured differently, allowing electrons to move: graphite conducts electricity. This makes graphite not clear. Here's a more technical explanation from Wikipedia: "Graphite is able to conduct electricity, due to delocalization of the pi bond electrons above and below the planes of the carbon atoms. These electrons are free to move, so are able to conduct electricity. However, the electricity is only conducted along the plane of the layers. In diamond, all four outer electrons of each carbon atom are 'localised' between the atoms in covalent bonding. The movement of electrons is restricted and diamond does not conduct an electric current. In graphite, each carbon atom uses only 3 of its 4 outer energy level electrons in covalently bonding to three other carbon atoms in a plane. Each carbon atom contributes one electron to a delocalised system of electrons that is also a part of the chemical bonding. The delocalised electrons are free to move throughout the plane. For this reason, graphite conducts electricity along the planes of carbon atoms, but does not conduct in a direction at right angles to the plane."

Does pencil lead conduct electricity?

Pencil lead (aka graphite) DOES conduct electricity. It does this thanks to electron delocalization within the carbon layers. Since the valence electrons are free to move, they are able to conduct electricity.

Is graphite a conductor or insulator?

Graphite is a conductor of electricity, but its conductivity varies greatly with direction: Conduction is high along the plane of the sheets of carbon atoms found in a single crystal of graphite, but much lower perpendicular to this plane.

What nonmetals conducts electricity?

Various non-metals can conduct electricity, such as graphite. Graphite is an allotrope of carbon, and it has one electron per carbon atom that is delocalized and not involved in chemical bonding, thus it can carry electric charges. Other non-metallic materials like semi-conductors can also conduct electricity to various degrees. Molten and aqueous ionic compounds like sodium chloride also conduct electricity.

Whats the non-metal element and form which conducts electricity?

it is carbon and the form it conduct electricity in is graphite. This is because there is one free electron that is not being shared in the covalent relationship.

Why is graphite a non-metal and a good conductor?

There are weak forces of attraction between layers, so one electron from each carbon atom can be de-localised(moved), which allows graphite to conduct heat and electricity.

What nonmetal is a conductor of electricity?

Graphite is one!

Why can carbon nanotubes conduct electricity?

I thought it was because nano tubes are created using graphene which is a single layer of graphite and graphite only bonds with 3 carbon atoms and this leaves one declocalised electron thats free to carry a charge