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After ejaculation, semen first goes through a clotting process and then becomes more liquid. The clotting is what makes it appear whitish. As it becomes more liquid, it becomes clearer.

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Q: Why does semen turn from white to clear when it hits the air?
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Why does a man's semen turn from thick and white to clear and fluid-like within ten minutes?

After ejaculation, semen first goes through a clotting process and then becomes more liquid. The clotting is what makes it appear whitish. As it becomes more liquid, it becomes clearer.

Can human semen be yellow?

Yes, at the first stages in puberty it is usually yellow and will turn white as time goes on.

Can sperm turn liquids white?

Yes, it is the liquid (semen) which carries the sperm inside the female.

Why does your ejaculate turn white when you get older?

well i don't know but i like sex My semen has always been white, even when a teenager. It is normal for it to be a little yellow though also.

What color should semen be in a 13 year old boy?

Semen can change appearance all through your life but at your age it's usually clear until you have started producing sperms. I am going through this write now as a 12 year old boy it is nothing to worry about it is natural. I thought something was wrong with me because i could not ejaculate but i later figured out that it does not turn white to your sperm comes in. If it is more sticky thank pee it is semen. Hope this Helps.

What happens if you put an egg into White Wine Vinegar?

It will turn very clear that you can see the yolk.

Is it normal to eat semen?

you can swallow the semen. yes, some people do it because it is a "turn on".

What happens when hydrogen gas is passed through lime water?

When hydrogen is added to lime water, the solution becomes milky. This is because it forms calcium carbonate.

Does semen turn blue on orange fabrics?

No. Semen does not change color when it lands on a surface, unless that surface is paint.

Do sperms turn into blood when heated?

No, there is no blood in semen or sperm.

Do polarbears turn white to keep warm?

No, polar bears fur is actually clear and their skin is black. The white you see is a combination of reflected light from the sky and the snow.