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As you go down the first group (or any group), you are adding protons and electrons. As you add more and more protons, the effective nuclear charge will increase.

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Q: Why does the effective nuclear charge increase when moving down the first group on the periodic table?
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In going down a group in the periodic table what effect does electron shielding generally have on the effective nuclear charge acting on the outermost electron in an atom?

Electron shielding decreases the effective nuclear charge.

How does the atomic radius increase or decrease horizontally on the periodic table?

Atomic radius decreases horizontally in periodic table. This is due to increase in nuclear charge.

Does nuclear charge increases as you move from left to right across the periodic table?

moving from left to right across a period, one electron is added for each element.example: Boron has 3, Carbon has 4.

Why the 1st ionic energy increase across period 2?

Because as the nuclear charge increases, the attraction between the nucleus and the electrons increases and it requires more energy to remove the outermost electron and that means there is a higher ionization energy. As you go across the periodic table, nuclear charge is the most important consideration. So, going across the periodic table, there should be an increase in ionization energy because of the increasing nuclear charge.

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What do mean by effective nuclear charge?

Effective nuclear charge is the net charge of an electron in an atom.Z(eff) = Z - S where:Z - atomic numberS - number of shielding electrons

What trend does the atomic radius along a period on the periodic table?

The atomic radius decreases along a period. It is because of increasing effective nuclear charge along a period.

How does Atomic Radius behave along the Periodic Table?

Atomic radius increases down a group due to increase in number of shells. Its value decreases along a period due to increase in nuclear charge.

Why does size of an atom decrease across the period?

as you go from left to right across the periodic table, you are adding one more proton every time hence increasing the nuclear charge of the atom. An increased nuclear charge means the nucleus attracts the electrons more to it hence the size of the atom decreases as it "tightens". hence the atomic radius decreases every time.

How do atomic radii change from left to right across a horizontal row of the periodic table and what is the main reason?

Atomic radii decreases on moving from left to right as the effective nuclear charge increases.