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Assuming that you are asking about ionically bonded metal and nonmetal ions, they do not need prefixes in their nomenclature because the formula can be found from the ion's charges. For instance, BaCl2, the ionic compound formed from Barium ion (Ba2+) and Chloride ion (Cl-), is pronounced Barium Chloride and not Barium Dichloride because it is an ion and you can tell the formula by knowing the charge of Barium ion is 2+ because it is a group 2A metal. However, if the compounds are not ionic, for example CO or CO2 (which are covalent) they have prefixes. CO is Carbon Monoxide and CO2 is Carbon Dioxide. Notice that these covalent compounds are made of 2 nometals, while the ionic compounds BaCl2 and KBr are made of a metal ion (Barium and Potassium ions) and a nonmetal ion (Chloride and Bromide ions). As a general rule of thumb A metal bonded to a nonmetal is ionic and requires no prefixes. The biggest exception to this rule is Hydrogen Ion; Hydrogen, although it is a nonmetal, becomes a positively charged ion, or a cation, H+ that can ionically bond to other nonmetals, forming compounds such as HCl (Hydrogen Chloride) and H2SO4 (Hydrogen Sulfate).

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Q: Why don't metals and nonmetals need numerical prefixes?
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