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The energy level tells the period in which the element belongs. Also electrons are arranged in different energy levels.

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Q: Why energy levels important in the periodic table?
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What are the energy levels doing on a periodic table when going from top to bottom?

the energy level increases as we move from top to bottom in the periodic table

A period is a horizontal row on the periodic table?

Yes, a period is a horizontal row on the periodic table.

How many energy levels does silicon have?

There are 3 energy levels in Silicon. Which ever row it is in the Periodic Table, that is how many energy levels it has. The structure is 1s2 2s22p63s23p2

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The same number of energy levels

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On a periodic table, Sodium onwards (Na)

Each period in the periodic table corresponds to what?

Each period in the periodic table corresponds to a principal energy level.

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The higher you are on the periodic table, the less energy levels of electrons there are in each atom, and therefore the less nuclear shielding.

What is a horizontal row of the periodic table that indicates the number of occupied energy levels?

A Period

Why you colour columns rather than rows in periodic table?

because of energy levels

What happens as periods increase on the periodic table?

the principal energy levels of valence electrons increase.

What family on the periodic table has full outermost energy levels?

the noble gases, in row 18