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The ionic hydrides contain H- ions. Some people like the -ide sufffix to refer exclusivelly to ionic species.

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Q: Why ionic hydrides are called true hydrides?
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Why ionic hydrids are called true hydrids?

The ionic hydrides contain H- ions. Some people like the -ide sufffix to refer exclusivelly to ionic species.

Why are Alkai and Alkaline earth metal hydrides are called true hydrides?

because aklai are soluble in water with compltely and alkai earth metal are partially dissolve in water thats they are called true hydrides

Why Ionic hydride's are also known saline hydride's?

Ionic hydrides are called salt-like as salts are ionic. They are high melting and have crystal structures typical of ionic compounds. Hydrides are not straightforward salts, salts typically dissolve in water for instance, whereas hydrides react vigorously with water rather than dissolving in it.

Alkali metals give ionic hydrides?


What are the differences between Ionic Hydrides and Covalent hydrides?

Ionic hydrides are formed by the reaction of hydrogen gas with the most electropositive metals. (group 1 and 2 excluding Be and Mg) The reaction involves the forming of a crystal lattice (solid). Covalent hydrides are formed by weakly electropositive metals and are primarily gasses at room temperature.

In what two groups does hydrogen form ionic compounds?

Acids and Hydrides? Not 100% sure about Acids, i do know that Hydrides are right though.

Definition of uses of covalent and ionic hydride?

i only got uses of ionic hydrides her it is: Ionic hydrides and their complexes are used as reducing agents. They evolve hydrogen when heated. Hence they are used as solid fuels as they ignite spontaneously. (source:

Uses of covalent and ionic hydride?

ionic hydrides are source of producind hydrogen and as reducing agents in metallurgical processes and as dehydrating agents for organic solvents.covalent hydrides forms colourless gases,volatile liquids or solids.

Why alkali metals form ionic hydrides?

SHORT ANSWER: the difference in electronegativities between H and Alkali metals is high, so the bonds are more ionic.

Why are the elements of group 6 called hydrides?

They aren't particularly or uniquely called hydrides; a hydride is a negative hydrogen ion, H-. Metals can form metal-hydrides, though, including those four elements.

Is it true that an ionic equation that includes only the particles that participate in the reaction is called a complete ionic equation?

no, it is not

What are complex hydrides?

Complex metal hydrides are hydrides containing in the molecule two cations - as LiAlH4.