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Q: Why is Substance B more viscous than substance A?
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Can more than one substance have the same mass?

Mass is measured in kilograms, and you can have a kilogram of any given substance.

Difference between pH of 4 and pH of 10?

The pH scale ranges from 0-14 pH. A substance that has a pH of 7 is considered to be "neutral," like pure water. A substance that has a pH less than 7 is said to be acidic, and a substance that has a pH greater than 7 is said to be basic. Therefore, the difference between those two pH levels is that the 4 pH substance is more acidic and the 10 pH substance is more basic. The more basic or acidic, the more caustic and/or corrosive the substance will be.

If a substance is viscous is it denser than a less viscous liquid?"""

At what pH is a substance an acid or a base?

The pH is measure from 1 to 14. so, from 1 to 6.9 the substance is acidic. and from 7.01 to 14 the substance is basic. 7 is neutral. The closer the substance is to 7 it is either basic or acidic. As the number is lower the substance is more acidic for example: pH 2.9 is more acidic than pH 4.8

Is a mixture composed of more than one substance?

2 or more pure substance. They might be elements as well as compounds. Powdered carbon and powdered potassium nitrate and powdered sulfur is the mixture used for gunpowder. 2 elements and 1 compound.

Related questions

What is made than more than on substance?

Rocks are made of more than 1 substance

What substance does that has more density than the substance it is put into?

It sinks

Is chocolate a pure substance?

no it is not a pure substance because it has more than on product in it read the ingredients

Can a soluble substance become in soluble?

If there is no reaction occuring to change the molecular structure of the substance, you have to look at the ionic product of the substance. When the ionic product is more than the Ksp of the substance, there would be precipitation of the substance

How is the composition of a substance different from the composition of a mixture?

A substance has a specific chemical composition while mixtures contain more than one substance.

Can a substance with more than one atom be pure?

Yes. Such a pure substance with more than one type of atom is called a chemical compound.

Is tin apure substance or are they made by mixing more than one pure substance?

Tin is a pure substance. It is element #50 on the periodic table.

What is the Prognosis of substance abuse or dependence?

Substance abuse and substance dependence are two different things. Substance abuse- is when someone is using a substance more than directed or they are using it for different reasons than what it is for. Substance dependence- is when you have developed a need physicall and/or mentally for it and without it your body in some way experiences a withdrawl.

What is the substance is a compound?

"Compound" means that the substance is made up of more than just one element.

Is a homogeneous mixture a substance?

AnswerNo It is not a pure substance because it contains more than one element.

What best describes a decomposition reaction?

a single substance breaks down into more than one substance

What is multi-addiction?

Multi-addiction refers to addiction to more than one substance, process, or a combination of both. Poly-substance dependence is the term often used to describe addiction to more than one substance.