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Because is the heaviest halogen known today.

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Q: Why is astatine a solid at room temperature?
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What is the state of astatine at room temperature?

Astatine is a solid at standard temperature and pressure.

Ia astatine a solid liquid or gass?

Astatine is a solid at room temperature.

Is astatine a gas or a liquid?

Astatine is a solid at room temperature.

Is astatine likely to be a gas liquid or solid?

Astatine is a solid at room temperature because of its intramolecular attraction. It is a chemical that is radioactive with a symbol of At and an atomic number of 85.

Which of the halogens is a solid at room temperature?

Iodine and astatine are solids at room temperature.

What will be the state of astatine at 20 degrees?

Astatine (like iodine) would be solid at room temperature.

Is astaine a solid liqiud or gas?

Astatine is an unstable solid at room temperature.

The Physical state of astatine?

solid at room temperature.

What is the normal phase of astatine?

That is in The Science in matter. It's normal phase is Halogen.

What haiogen is a liquid at room temperature?

None of them are Fluorine, Chlorine and Bromine are all gases at room temperature. Iodine and Astatine are both solid at room temperature.

What is an example of the halogen family solid element at room temperature?

Iodine, Astatine, Uus

Selenium state of matter at room temperature?

The element, Selenium, is a solid at room temperature.