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For one thing, atomic absorption equipment is basically a fancier version of flame emission equipment (I'm unaware of any instrument capable of doing AA that can't also do FE), and flame emission doesn't require you to change tubes every time you want to check for another element.

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Q: Why is atomic absorption not used for qualitative analysis?
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What are the applications of atomic absorption spectroscopy?

Mainly it is used for soil analysis and water analysis.

What are the application of atomic absorption spectrometry in pharmaceutics?

Atomic absorption spectrometry is used for the determination of metal residues remaining from pharmaceutical manufacturing.

What are the limitations of atomic absorption spectrometry?

Atomic absorption spectrometry can only be used for metallic elements. Each element needs a different hollow cathode lamp for its determination.

Why is source modulation used in atomic absorption spectroscopy?

Source modulation is employed to distinguish between atomic absorption (an ac signal) and flame emission (a dc signal).

What is qualitative factor analysis model?

Qualitative factor analysis is a data analysis technique used to identify and understand patterns in non-numerical, qualitative data. It involves categorizing and interpreting qualitative data to uncover underlying factors or themes that may influence a particular phenomenon or situation. This method helps researchers make sense of complex data and derive meaningful insights.

What is qualitative method anaylsis?

Qualitative method analysis refers to the systematic process of examining qualitative data, such as text or images, to identify patterns, themes, and meanings. It involves interpreting the data through techniques like coding, thematic analysis, and narrative analysis to gain insights and understand the underlying phenomena being studied. Qualitative analysis is commonly used in social sciences, anthropology, and other fields where subjective experiences and perspectives are important.

How is qualitative analysis used in industry?

It's not. It's an outdated technique

What kind of testing can the Bunsen burner be used for?

An example is the flame test, a method of qualitative analysis.

Advantages of atomic absorption spectroscopy?

Because it is Gosh get with the programme guys

Why is qualitative phase analysis used?

to analyse which constitunents present in the strature...and also d,i present the structre

What is consensual qualitative analysis?

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Where is Qualitative analysis used in real life?

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