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Without being able to predict the yield of an ore deposit there is no way to know if it will be a profitable investment. The mining industry costs a lot of money; therefore no one is going to put money into it to set up the equipment and infrastructure without knowing what quantities of ore is going to be produced and how long the production is going to last. Yield is basically how much of a certain metal is in a ton of ore. This allows the mining company to estimate the costs it is going to take to process the metal, to see if it is economically viable.

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Predicting yield is important because it helps determine the economic viability of extracting metal from ores. Knowing the expected yield allows companies to plan resource allocation and make informed decisions about whether to pursue extraction operations. It can also help set realistic production targets and assess the overall efficiency of the extraction process.

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Q: Why is predicting yield in the identification important when extracting metal from ores?
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How do you separate metal from the ore?

Metal can be separated from ore through a process called smelting, where the ore is heated to high temperatures, causing the metal to melt and separate from the impurities in the ore. Chemical processes such as leaching and electrolysis can also be used to separate metal from ore by dissolving the metal and then extracting it.

Which common way of extracting metals is the most expensive?

Electrolysis is typically the most expensive method for extracting metals. This process involves passing an electric current through a molten or dissolved mineral to extract the metal. The high energy consumption required for electrolysis makes it a costly method compared to other extraction techniques.

What is the difference between metal melting and metal smelting?

Metal melting is the process of heating a metal until it turns into a liquid state, typically for casting or shaping purposes. Metal smelting, on the other hand, is the process of extracting metal from its ore through heating and chemical reactions, usually involving the removal of impurities to obtain pure metal.

Which process is generally used in extracting magnesium in metallurgy?

The process generally used in extracting magnesium in metallurgy is the Pidgeon process. This method involves reducing magnesium oxide with ferrosilicon to produce magnesium vapor, which is then condensed to form magnesium metal.

What is the process used to separate useful metal from other elements in ore?

The process of extracting useful metal from ore is called metallurgy. It typically involves crushing and grinding the ore to separate the metal from the unwanted materials. Techniques such as smelting, leaching, and electrolysis are commonly used to extract the desired metal.

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What does the mining metal ores mean?

Extracting a metal oxide from the ground

These rocks contain enough metal to make it worth extracting?

The rocks have a high enough metal content to make them economically viable for extraction. The metal can be extracted and used for various industrial purposes. Extracting the metal from the rocks would be profitable.

Process of Extracting metal using heat?

Smelt maybe?

What rock contain enough metal to make it worth extracting?

Rock containing metal is known as ore - iron ore, copper ore, and so on. As to being worth extracting, depends on the richness of the metal deposits.

Why is it important to know how reactive a metal is when it is extracted using electrolysis?

It is important to know the reactivity of a metal when extracting it using electrolysis because more reactive metals require more energy to extract. This affects the cost and efficiency of the extraction process. Additionally, the reactivity of the metal determines the conditions, such as voltage and electrodes, that need to be used during electrolysis.

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What is the deffination of metalllurgy?

The art and science of extracting the metal from their ore making their alloys for the benefit human being.

How can we extract metal from bauxite ore?

Extracting aluminum from bauxite ore requires a large amount of electricity.

What problems are caused when extracting metals from their ores by displacement?

Using Electrolysis: is the most powerful extraction method. But it takes a lot of electricity and that makes it expensive. Hence, electrolysis is only used for the most reactive metals.The method of extracting metal from its ore depends upon how reactive the metal is. The more ractive the metal, the more difficult and expensive it is to seperate from its ore.

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Landfill mining and extracting the resources that were deposited previously (i.e: glass, metal) and recycle them.

What is another name for a metal disk for military identification dealing with dogs?

Dog tags.

How do you separate metal from the ore?

Metal can be separated from ore through a process called smelting, where the ore is heated to high temperatures, causing the metal to melt and separate from the impurities in the ore. Chemical processes such as leaching and electrolysis can also be used to separate metal from ore by dissolving the metal and then extracting it.