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hydrogen atoms have only one shell( K-shell) which can accommodate only two electrons. Therefore each hydrogen atom in hydrogen moleculecontributes one electron forming a pair which is shared between the two atoms. Thus in hydrogen molecule duplet rule is followed and not the octet rule.

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Q: Why octet rule is not obeyed in the formation of h2 molecule?
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The octet rule is the tendency to have electrons in the shell after ion formation or bond formation?

The octet rule is the tendency to have eight electrons in the shell after ion or bond formation.. This gives the same configuration as a noble gas.

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Is oxygen an exception to the octet rule?

Yes, oxygen is an exception to the octet rule. Molecular oxygen can have two unpaired electrons making it a biradical molecule.

Does PCl2F3 follow the octet rule?

yes PCl3 obey octet rule there are 5 electrons in the valence shell of phosphorous it need 3 electron to complete its octet so it form bond with 3 chlorine after bond formation there are 8 electron in its octet it obey octet rule

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What are the limitations of octet rule?

1. the incomplete octet of a central atom 2. odd electron molecule 3. compound with expanded octet 4. acc. to rule atoms complete their octet to complete their octet to become stable like inert gas, but it is seen that inert gases like xenon are not stabkle they combine with fluorine and oxygen to form no. of compounds. 5. shape of molecule cant be explained 6. stability of molecule cant be explained

How does the octet rule explain the formation of a sodium ion?

Na atom ion has an electronic configuration 2,8,1 On losing one electron it forms Na+ cation, with the configuration of 2,8 thereby obeying octet rule.

How does oxygen not follow the octet rule?

It does follow the octet rule!

Give example of octet rule?

Az important rule: any octet has to have eight parts, otherwise it is not an octet.

Is NH3 an exception to the octet rule?

No, CH4 follows the octet rule.

What are 3 atoms are exceptions to the octet rule?

Boron is one. It exceeds the octet rule.