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Pyrrole C4H4NH (in which N contributes a lone pair) has a pKa - 3.8, but Pyridine (where N is part of the ring's double bond) has a pKa 5.14. Electron pair availability indicates the strength of basicity. In this case, pyridine is the stronger base.

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14y ago
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2mo ago

Pyrrole is more acidic than pyrrolidine because the nitrogen lone pair in pyrrole is part of the aromatic ring, making it less available for protonation. Pyrrolidine is less acidic and more basic than pyrrole because the nitrogen lone pair is not part of an aromatic system, allowing it to readily accept a proton.

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12y ago

The nitrogen in an alkyl amine is sp3 hybridized and the N in pyridine is sp2 hybridized. The increased s character of the sp2 orbital means that the lone pair is pulled in closer to the nucleus, making it less available to grab any protons floating around (ie it is less basic).

I personally do not like orbital hybridization theory, and I think this answer is very "hand-wavey." But if you actually do the math and/or the molecular modeling, you'd probably end up at the same result.

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11y ago

The presence of conjugated double bond in pyridine makes it hard to donate its electron pair hence it is a weaker base than piperidine. The lone pair in piperidine is more available compared to that of pyridine (pKa=5). The nitrogen lone pair of pyridine is in an sp2 hybrid orbital but it doesn't participate in the aromatic π system nor it is involved in any resonance. So why then its lone pair more available? It's because the sp2 hybrid orbital (where the lone pair is) is smaller than the sp3 hybrid orbital (lone pair of piperidine) and this means that the lone pair in pyridine is closer to the nucleus. Hence, less available or less basic.

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11y ago

-Pyridine N-sp2, Piperidine N-sp3

-More s character in sp2 than in sp3

-Pyridine lone pair more tightly bound and less available for give

-Makes piperidine more basic

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13y ago

As lone pair is localized on nitrogen in pyrrolidine i.e doesnot entr resonance and more available to accept proton ,so pyrrolidine is more basic.

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11y ago

I guess because in piperidine is more CH2 and it means that the +I effect is stronger

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10y ago

Pyridine is aromatic, it has double bonds. Piperidine has no double bonds

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Q: Why pyrrole is more acidic and less basic than pyrrolidine?
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Why pyrrole is less basic than pyridine?

Pyrrole is less basic than pyridine because the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen in pyrrole is part of the aromatic system and less available for donation compared to the lone pair on the nitrogen in pyridine. This makes pyridine more basic than pyrrole.

Acdity of pyrrole?

Pyrrole is a weak acid due to the presence of a lone pair on the nitrogen atom that can donate a proton. However, it is generally less acidic than alcohols or carboxylic acids. Its conjugate base, the pyrrole anion, is stabilized by aromaticity.

Why pyrrole does not react with hydrocloric acid?

Pyrrole does not react with hydrochloric acid because the nitrogen atom in the pyrrole ring is part of an aromatic system. The lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is delocalized within the aromatic ring, making it less available for reaction with acids.

Pyrrole is weaker base than pyridine?

This is because pyrrole is a more acidic compound due to the presence of an acidic hydrogen on the nitrogen atom in the aromatic ring, making it less likely to act as a base compared to pyridine which does not have an acidic hydrogen. In pyridine, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is more available for donation, making it a stronger base.

Does acidic liquids or basic liquids rust a paper clip faster?

Acidic liquids tend to rust a paper clip faster than basic liquids. Acidic solutions, such as vinegar or lemon juice, can accelerate the corrosion process by increasing the rate of oxidation of the metal in the paper clip. Basic liquids, on the other hand, are less corrosive and are less likely to cause rusting in a paper clip.

Related questions

Why pyrrole is less basic than pyridine?

Pyrrole is less basic than pyridine because the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen in pyrrole is part of the aromatic system and less available for donation compared to the lone pair on the nitrogen in pyridine. This makes pyridine more basic than pyrrole.

Acdity of pyrrole?

Pyrrole is a weak acid due to the presence of a lone pair on the nitrogen atom that can donate a proton. However, it is generally less acidic than alcohols or carboxylic acids. Its conjugate base, the pyrrole anion, is stabilized by aromaticity.

Why pyrrole does not react with hydrocloric acid?

Pyrrole does not react with hydrochloric acid because the nitrogen atom in the pyrrole ring is part of an aromatic system. The lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is delocalized within the aromatic ring, making it less available for reaction with acids.

What the pH level of 5 is Basic Acidic Both Alkaline?

The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is.A pH less than 7 is acidic, and a pH greater than 7 is basic.hence a level of 5 is acidic.

Pyrrole is weaker base than pyridine?

This is because pyrrole is a more acidic compound due to the presence of an acidic hydrogen on the nitrogen atom in the aromatic ring, making it less likely to act as a base compared to pyridine which does not have an acidic hydrogen. In pyridine, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is more available for donation, making it a stronger base.

Why must litmus paper must be moistened?

Litmus paper is a tool to identify the acidic or basic character of a substance and without water the acidic or basic nature is meaning less.

What is the neutral PH?

The neutral pH is 7. It is considered neither acidic nor basic, but rather balanced.

Which one is more acidic milk of magnesia or household amonia?

Household ammonia is more acidic than milk of magnesia. Ammonia is a basic substance, not acidic, while milk of magnesia is an alkaline solution often used as an antacid to neutralize stomach acid.

Does acidic liquids or basic liquids rust a paper clip faster?

Acidic liquids tend to rust a paper clip faster than basic liquids. Acidic solutions, such as vinegar or lemon juice, can accelerate the corrosion process by increasing the rate of oxidation of the metal in the paper clip. Basic liquids, on the other hand, are less corrosive and are less likely to cause rusting in a paper clip.

Which ranges on the pH scale are acidic basic and neutral?

Acidic: pH less than 7 Neutral: pH of 7 Basic: pH greater than 7

What is a property of basic solutions but not acidic solutions?

Basic solutions have a higher concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) compared to acidic solutions. This property allows basic solutions to have a pH greater than 7, while acidic solutions have a pH less than 7.

Is alkaline acidic or basic?

Alkaline substances are basic, having a pH greater than 7. They are the opposite of acidic substances, which have a pH less than 7.