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Noble gases have a very stable structure, the outer shell of electrons is full.

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Q: Why some atom lose or gain electrons to become ions but noble gas atom never become ion?
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How could strontium become a noble gas?

Strontium can have a full electron shell noble gas state if it loses two of it's electrons.

Which atom has two more electrons than an atom of a noble gas?

The Alkaline Earth metal which comes just after the noble gas

An atom with eight valence electrons is a noble gas?

Yes it is.

How do atom form bonds with each other?

ionic bonds form when one atom gains electrons or loses electrons to another atom covalent bonds form when one 2 atoms share electrons in both types of bonding atoms bond to become more stable (to become similar to noble gases by filling their outer most shell)

If atoms of a halogen non metal gain one electron the atoms then have how many valence electrons?

This atom become an anion with negative charge -1.

What are valence electrons and how do they relate to the noble gases?

Valence electrons are electrons in the outermost shell (or outermost energy level or outermost orbital) in an atom. Noble gases have 8 valence electrons. But helium (a noble gas) has only 2 valence electrons.

Which noble gas atom has the same number electrons as a sulfide ion?

This noble gas is argon (Ar).

Would a chlorine atom lose electrons or gain electrons to become an atom?

Chlorine gain electrons.

Why helium does not form ion easily?

it is a noble gas and is averse to losing its electrons from the outer shell of its atom and in which case it would become electrically charged

An atom can become an ion by losing?

An atom can become an ion by losing electrons. It can accomplish the same thing by gaining electrons.

What particles are used to form bonds?

The electrons in atoms are the important particles in covalent bonds. The electrons in an atom are negatively charged, and when two atoms share electrons, this allows their electric field to become more stable.

The inertness of the noble gases is due to?

Noble gases are inert because they contain a "stable octet" of electrons in the outermost shell of the atom (valence electrons). This means that the noble gases do not need to react to lose or gain electrons in order to become stable, since scientists have determined that 8 valence electrons is a stable electron configuration.