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Evaporation needs heat energy, the remaining liquid give up some heat energy to help the vapor form so the remaining liquid's temperature decreases.

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11y ago
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7mo ago

The temperature of the liquid decreases as it evaporates because the molecules with higher kinetic energy are the ones most likely to escape the liquid phase, leaving behind molecules with lower average kinetic energy, thus lowering the overall temperature of the liquid.

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15y ago

whenever liquid is heated atoms tend to move rapidly and gives us a formula:

Liquid drop model and mass formula

Now we have some basic information about the liquid drop model, let us try to reinterpret the mass formula in terms of this model; especially as those of a spherical drop of liquid.

As a prime example consider the Coulomb energy. The general energy associated with a charge distribution is ECoulomb = d3r1d3r2, (5.6)

where the charge distribution is the smeared out charge of the protons, 4(r)r2dr = Ze (5.7)

If we take the charge to be homogeneously distributed = Ze/(4/3R3), then
ECoulomb = = r12dr1 r22dr2 = 2x2dxydy - | r1 - r2| r1r2dr1 dr2 = - R515 =

= .

this is why liquid temperature drops more rapidly...

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Q: Why the temperature of the liquid decrease as the liquid evaporates?
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What happens to the temp when a liquid evaporates?

When a liquid evaporates, it absorbs heat energy from its surroundings to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the liquid molecules together, leading to a cooling effect. As the more energetic molecules leave the liquid phase and become gas, the overall temperature of the remaining liquid may decrease.

Why do liquids cool as evaporation takes place?

As a liquid evaporates, molecules with higher kinetic energy leave the liquid surface, which results in a decrease in the average kinetic energy of the remaining molecules and, therefore, a decrease in temperature. This cooling effect is due to the energy required to break the intermolecular bonds holding the liquid molecules together during evaporation.

Does liquid nitrogen freeze instantly?

Liquid nitrogen does not freeze instantly; instead, it evaporates rapidly at room temperature. When it comes into contact with objects, such as food or skin, the extreme cold temperature of liquid nitrogen can cause rapid freezing of the water content in those objects, giving the appearance of instantaneous freezing.

What changes will decrease the total amount of gaseous solute able to be dissolved in a liter of liquid water?

Decreasing the temperature and increasing the pressure will decrease the total amount of gaseous solute able to be dissolved in a liter of liquid water. Conversely, increasing the temperature and decreasing the pressure will increase the amount of gaseous solute that can be dissolved.

What ahppens when cold is added to liquid?

When cold is added to a liquid, the molecule movement and kinetic energy decrease, causing the liquid to lose heat and temperature. This can lead to the liquid contracting, becoming denser, and in some cases solidifying if the temperature drops low enough.

Related questions

What happens to the system in which the contained liquid evaporates at room temperature?

As the liquid evaporates at room temperature, the system will experience a decrease in the amount of liquid present and an increase in the amount of vapor in the container. This will result in a change in the pressure and temperature within the system as the liquid continues to evaporate.

How do you know that water evaporates?

The volume of liquid water decrease.

Why heating decrease amount of liquids?

Because the liquid evaporates.

What happens to the temp when a liquid evaporates?

When a liquid evaporates, it absorbs heat energy from its surroundings to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the liquid molecules together, leading to a cooling effect. As the more energetic molecules leave the liquid phase and become gas, the overall temperature of the remaining liquid may decrease.

Temperature of liquid butane sprayed in air?

The temperature of liquid butane sprayed into the air will rapidly decrease as it expands and evaporates, causing it to cool down. This process is known as evaporative cooling, where the liquid absorbs heat from the surroundings in order to transform into a gas.

How does viscosity of liquid vary with rise in temperature?

As the temperature increases, the viscosity of the liquid will decrease.

Why does the quantity of water decrease in a tumbler when it is exposed to air for a long time?

When water is exposed to air at ordinary temperature and humidity it evaporates. That is, molecules of water leave the liquid and mix with the air.

When water evaporates from a puddle what happens to the temperature?

The temperature decrease because evaporation is an endothermic process, absorb heat.

When water evaporates does its mass decrease?

Yes, when water evaporates, its mass does not decrease. The water molecules simply change from a liquid state to a gaseous state, but the total mass of the water remains the same.

Why do liquids cool as evaporation takes place?

As a liquid evaporates, molecules with higher kinetic energy leave the liquid surface, which results in a decrease in the average kinetic energy of the remaining molecules and, therefore, a decrease in temperature. This cooling effect is due to the energy required to break the intermolecular bonds holding the liquid molecules together during evaporation.

What happened to the temperature of a liquid as it evaporates?

It gets hotter

Why does it get colder when it evaporates?

Evaporation cools the surrounding surface because the process requires energy, which it absorbs from its surroundings in the form of heat. As the liquid molecules gain energy to escape into the gas phase, they take heat energy with them, resulting in a decrease in temperature of the remaining liquid.