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What Will happen the Boling mongo Seeds

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Kevin Juyad

Lvl 2
3y ago
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1mo ago

Seeds from the mongo plant may float in boiling water due to air trapped within the seed coat. This can make it buoyant until the air is released through heating, causing the seed to sink to the bottom as it becomes denser in the water.

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Which is the manipulative variable in a mongo seeds?

The manipulative variable in a study involving mongo seeds could be the amount of water or light exposure the seeds receive. By manipulating these variables, one could observe their effects on the germination or growth of the mongo seeds.

Is mongo seeds and water a mixture or solution?

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Mongo seeds can grow in cotton with water, as the cotton serves as a medium for the seed to germinate and grow. The water provides the necessary moisture for the seed to sprout and develop. Make sure to keep the cotton moist but not waterlogged for successful seed germination.

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Mongo seeds are not separated by filtration. They are soaked in water for a few hours to allow the seeds to swell. They are then removed from the water and placed in a container so they can germinate.

Can mongo seed be separated by filtration?

Mongo seeds are not separated by filtration. They are soaked in water for a few hours to allow the seeds to swell. They are then removed from the water and placed in a container so they can germinate.

Why are mongo seeds cannot dissolved in water?

Mongo seeds have a hard outer coating that is impermeable to water, which prevents them from dissolving. This coating protects the seed from damage and dehydration, allowing it to remain dormant until conditions are favorable for germination.

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sunlight,water,soil and space.. temperature

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