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Water behaves as a base with the hydrogen halides due to the fact that when dissolved in water the hydrogen halide dissociates into its ions, and the water molecule acts as a proton acceptor (base) when it combines with the hydrogen ion to form hydronium (H3O+), and the halogen forms its negative halide ion. The following example shows the reaction between hydrogen chloride and water.

HCl + H2O --> H+ + Cl- + H2O --> H3O+ + Cl−

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Q: Why water behaves as base with all the hydrogen halides?
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There is no metal like you describe in your question. Hydrogen is in Group 1, but is not an alkali metal. It is a gas at standard temperature. It does rarely behave like an alkali metal, and it does have only one electron. Hydrogen is in Group 1 primarily because of its electron configuration, which is 1s1. All of the alkali metals also have one electron in their outermost s orbital.

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The chemical formula of water is H2O.

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If the substance produces Hydrogen ions when it is dissolved in water, then it is an acid. If it produces Hydroxide ions when it is dissolved in water, then it is a base.

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Neither, it is water a neutral substance.

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A base is a substance that forms hydrogen ions in a water solution.?


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water is amphoteric in nature with acid it behaves like base and with base it behaves like acid.when water is added to the acid it behaves like a base and neutralises it to some extent and thus the pH of acid decreases on adding water.Answer 2:When you add water to the acid, you are diluting it and making it weaker therefore the pH will decrease (the value will get closer to 7 on a pH scale).

Why is a base the name of the substance that forms hydrogen ions in water?

ACIDS form hydrogen ions H+ in water. Bases form hydroxide ions OH-in water

Water is form from the reaction between an acid and a base why is it not classifield as salt?

Because water is an oxyde of hydrogen and hasn't the properties of a true base.

What created when alkaline earth metals and water combined?

When they are reacted, a base and hydrogen gas is produced. This reaction is exothermic.

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