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Q: Would a growth factor increase or decrease cyclin levels?
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Would the mold growth increase or decrease if bread was put in the refrigerator?

Decrease. The refrigerator removes the warmth factor and the damp factor that mold needs to form.

What is the it called when factor that causes population growth to decrease?

It is called a limiting factor.

What leads to a growth in population?

a decrease in preditors, an increase in natural resorces, or an increase in happiness. (:

What is the net increase or decrease of individuals over time?

growth rate

What was a factor in the growth of the southern Slavery?

An increase in colonial shipbuilding.

What factor made industrial growth possible?

an increase in imported materials

What happens to a growth in an S shaped graph?

1 : slow increase , 2 : rapid increase , 3 : stable , 4 : decrease .

How is growth factor and growth rate related?

They are related because they both represent the increase that a set of data is increasing by.

How is growth rate and growth factor related?

They are related because they both represent the increase that a set of data is increasing by.

What factor made American industrial growth possibl?

an increase in imported materials

Could eating flour decrease breast growth?

Breast growth primarily rests with increasing levels of the "sex" (estrogen) and growth hormones. What we eat cannot increase or decrease breast size, unless the cows were fed high levels of hormones before butchering. Men's breasts can increase if affected by cancer.

Will clear pool covers decrease algae growth?

No if any thing it will increase it as algae uses sunlight