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Q: Would a pure substance show more than one color or spot in a chromatogram. explain?
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Are certain colors more water soluble then others?

Yes, they are. You can do a chromatogram and find out for yourself. The color that rises to the top faster is the most soluble.

Is the color of a substance a physical substance?

Mostly, it's a chemical substance.

What is the substance that gives your hair color?

the substance that gives hair it color is the genes from your mom or your dad_____________________Melanin gives hair its color.

Explain why you would or would not expect to observe a color change if FeCl3 were added to the following?

you would expect a color change in oil of wintergreen because it has an OH group added to the FeCl3 which causes a purple color

What is the ability of a substance to dissove in to another substance?


What color does an acid turn the indicators?

If a substance is an acid, it would turn red on a pH indicator

Would you expect a pure substance to be the same color throughout?

no we cannot everything changes with time even a pure substance looses it's some of the properties after some time so the color also changes .

Is color a chemical propertyof a substance?

No, color is a physical property, because it can be observed without changing the substance.

What is the color and the formula of the substance of the unheated copper in Changing Cu to CuO?

The color of the unheated copper is brown, or golden brown. The formula for that would be Cu.

What color of a substance is an example of what?

Color is an example of a physical property.

What color of a substance is an example of a .?

Color is an example of a physical property.

Is color an extensive or intensive physical property?

no,color is an INTENSIVE PROPERTY of matter. intensive properties includes: *solubility *hardness *electrical conductivity *odor *luster *color *malleability *ductility an extensive property is something that depends on the amount of the substance you are measuring. an example would be mass An intensive quantity does not depend on the amount of the substance. Ex: density Also since the color of a substance does not change if i take 1g or 100 g of a substance the color is an intensive property.