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Q: Would you expect SO3 to exhibit delocalized pi bonding?
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Covalent Bonding

What type of bonding would you expect in sulfur hexafluoride and why?

covalent bond

What Changes would you expect to see in the liver of someone suffering from chronic alcoholism?

The liver would exhibit scarring.

What statement best describes metallic bonding?

electrons are free to move among many atoms

What would exhibit the greatest amount of covalent bonding lici ai2o3 of2and sio2?

SiO2 as it exists in linear and branched chains

What type of bonding would you expect to find in the compound of sodium and sulfur?

As sodium is a metal, and sulphur is a non-metal, it would most likely be ionically bonded. Hence, undergoing Ionic Bonding.

What kind of bonding would you expect in NO2?

Since nitrogen and oxygen are both nonmetals, they will form covalent bonds with each other.

What type of bonding would you expect salts such as NaCl and KNO3 to have?

Salts are ionic compounds, in which a positive ion forms an ionic bond with a negative ion.

What is the type of bonding for lead sulphide?

The bonding would be polar covalent

What type ofchemical bond would you expect between a calcium atom and a chlorine atom a metallic a plar covalent nonpolar covalent or a ionic?

Covalent because its 2 nonmetals bonding

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What pH would you expect aspirin dissolved in water to exhibit?

Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. From the name you should expect a pH of less than 7. Exactly how much less depends on how much aspirin and how much water.