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Cl:Cl Since each of the chlorines in the molecule is sharing one electron with the other they both get an octect. They only share one of their electrons with the other. So 7+1=8

The chlorine atoms could share a pair of valence electrons.

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11y ago

Chlorine atom has 7 valence electrons and need one more electron to attain the nearest noble gas configuration and achieve stability. In Cl2, two chlorine atoms are bonded together by a covalent bond. Each chlorine atom shares one electron with the other chlorine atom and hence each chlorine atom will effectively have 8 valence electrons.

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12y ago

Chlorine must gain one valence electron to reach an octet. Example: NaCl (table salt) the sodium must lose one to gain octet, and the Chlorine must gain one to become an octet.

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they share

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When chlorine atoms are bonded together what are they called?

For any two or more atoms bondedtogether is a MOLECULE. Gaseous chlorine is a molecule because it contains TWO(2) atoms of chlorine; structurally (Cl - Cl).

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No chlorine contains only chlorine atoms. In order to be organic a substance must have carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded together.

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Chlorine is composed of chlorine atoms, usually bonded together in two-atom molecules (Cl2)

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When atoms are bonded together with covalent bonds, the result is a molecule.

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Two or more atoms of different elements joined together form a compound. If it is a metal and non-metal (for example sodium and chlorine), they are ionically bonded. If it is two non-metals (for example methane is carbon and hydrogen), they are covalently bonded.

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There is one covalent bond in a chlorine molecule. The formula for a chlorine molecule is Cl2, which means that there are two chlorine atoms bonded together per molecule. The structural formula for a molecule of chlorine is Cl-Cl, in which the line in between the symbols for the two atoms represents a single covalent bond.

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