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Q: What does it mean if a boy is looking straight ahead and his mouth is open?
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What does CIM mean and how does it differ from CAD?

CIM is short for 'come in mouth' or 'ejaculate in mouth', referring to fellatio (oral sex, penis to mouth). CAD might mean "chronic Asian dater", someone continually dating Asians in the hope, perhaps, of meeting a submissive Asian stereotype "who will walk two steps behind him on the way to tea ceremony class".

What does AJ stand for on a floor plan?

Not sure but it seems to mean that its referencing the Architects Journal. I'm looking at a bunch of RWP and GT symbols (Rain Water Pipe & Grate), all of which have a leader to a diamond with AJ on it, they seem to be linked all around the perimeter of the house.

What is green concrete?

Green concrete could mean two different things. It could mean that the concrete isn't cured yet, or it could mean that it is supposed to be environmentally friendly.

What does be civil mean?

To "civilize" is to make civil. The word derives from the Latin word for city. When people began to settle in cities, they needed to adopt new behaviours in order to get along with so many people in such a small space. Such behaviour was "civil", or suitable for the city. It is reasonable to consider that the start of civilization, or city-dwelling, came when agriculture developed to the point where one farmer could feed many people, instead of everyone spending all his or her time finding food for himself or herself. Once people developed the cultivation of grains (wheat, barley, rice, maize) a city could be fed by a few farmers living nearby. For example if you were sitting at the dinner table and your mother said " can you eat like a civilized human being?" that means that you shouldn't shove food in your mouth or chew with your mouth open. You need to do the exact opposite. Being civilized in this case means acting in the socially acceptable way.

What is mean by rcc in construction?


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"Tout droit" is French for "straight ahead." It is commonly used to give directions or indicate that something is directly ahead without any turns.

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"Straight ahead"

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to walk ahead

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crossly: Here are some tips to help youCrossly could mean that you are someone else is looking straight ahead at something it could also mean that you are looking at somone and being mad at the same time.

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(go) straight ahead

Where is the vistas shop in harvest moon?

If you mean Vesta's Farm, then you have to leave your Farm. Go straight ahead until you are in the middle of a junction. Then you turn right and go straight ahead. When you crossed the Bridge, you will see a Farm. There are two houses. The first one is Vestas Shop.

What does it mean when a chinchillas mouth foams?

do NOT handle him/her AT ALL!! it is possible that he/has rabies. take the poor thing straight to the vet!

What is periphery mean?

Peripheral vision refers to the vision at the edges of your visual field. This does not mean what you can see when you turn your eyes, but what you can see to the far left and right while looking straight ahead. In general, it can refer to equipment or processes that are useful but not necessarily crucial.

What does watch your six mean?

Watch your back. Military slang uses the face of a clock to determine position, with 12 being straight ahead of you.

What does it mean when a person looks side to side rather than straight ahead?

pririvial vision, my step dads a scientist, so i know, thx

What do you do when your puppy's paws and mouth are blue?

I would take it to the vet straight away. It could mean it is having trouble taking in oxygen.

What does it mean when a girl you haven't talked to in a while walks towards you staring at you and when you say hi to them they just smile and stare straight ahead?

It's meen they don't like you