Face value only.
It's worth one dollar.
The US has never made a one dollar coin with JFK on it. If it is a dollar coin with the date of 1971 the portrait is of Eisenhower. Post new question.
No such coin. Kennedy is only on the half dollars. Starting In 1971, the dollar coins are Eisenhower dollars. The coin is just face value.
The coin has NO silver and is face value
Kennedy has never been on a dollar coin, only halves. A 1971 dollar coin has Eisenhower on it and is only worth a dollar.
The coin is a Eisenhower dollar (1971-1978) not a " Liberty Head" dollar. The coin is face value, unless it's proof coin.
Please check the denomination of the coin. A 1971 One Dollar coin is an EISENHOWER dollar not a JFK dollar. Kennedy is only on Half Dollars. No matter what coin it actually is, both are just face value.
The coin is still in circulation today and has face value only
It's a common date, still worth one dollar in circulated condition.
The coin is still in circulation today, has no silver and is face value only.