If the it's dated 1993 or later it's an ordinary circulation coin worth about 20 cents. If it's older, please post a new question with the coin's date. Also note that on Mexican currency the "$" sign stands for pesos, not dollars.
The "$" sign on Mexican coins can be confusing. In the Mexican currency system the symbol refers to pesos rather than dollars. At the exchange rate in effect as of 11/2013, it's worth about 38 US cents.
The Euro was worth .86 American cents in January 1999 but was worth .98 American cents by the end of 1999. 1 US dollar in 1999 would equal roughly 1.30 US dollars in 2010.
Self Worth was created in 1999.
It is worth face value.
There were two comedy shows that were shown on the Univision Network during the time between 1999 and 2003. They were Estamos Unidos and Los Metiches.
Fort Worth Fire ended in 1999.
Marion Worth died on 1999-12-19.
A good condition 1999 Eclipse is worth about $3,500.00
I have a $2.00 coin Elizabeth II D.G. Reginal 1999. How much is worth? in the back of the coin it says: nunavut
A 1999 US 1 cent coin is 99% Zinc not copper but it's still worth 1 cent