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First off all swords contain carbon, the differing amounts of carbon, control many aspects of the steel's elasticity and hardness. The best swords are made up of a balance of high and low carbon metals such as the ancient Katanas used by the Samurai. The sword smiths combine a higher carbon steel for the cutting edge and a lower carbon for the core of the weapon, thereby making an extremely sharp yet extremely durable sword. Heat is also a main factor in the construction of a sword, by heating the blade to high temperatures and quenching it at different rates you can achieve many variations of hardness in the steel. To pass judgment on whether a "carbon steel sword" is reliable or not I would need a little more information on the tempering process used and who made the sword. But overall a higher carbon is desired in cutting blades but you have to be careful not to get to the point of being brittle.

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Q: Are carbon steel swords reliable
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Where was carbon steel first used?

According to my calculations, Carbon Steel was used thousands of years ago, because, if carbon steel swords were invented thousands of years ago then- heres a question: if carbon steel swords was invented back then, then what made carbon steel swords? the same thing we use to make carbon steel, which is mainly carbon and iron. The carbon, when mixed with molten iron, in fixed proportions, steel of varying strengths are formed. Steel is strong since the carbon atoms enter the metallic lattice of iron the difference in size of the carbon and iron atoms restrict movement of the layers (atoms) hence when a force is applied, the steel resists. by 11SHIFT

What material a sword is made of?

Swords are made of high carbon steel, these are battle ready swords, and Carbon steel is strong and very hard to get damage or break during the battle. Other decorative swords are usually made of stainless steel as they are meant for display purpose only.

Where can one purchase Cold Steel Swords?

One can purchase Cold Steel swords from many different stores. Walmart, Cold Steel, eBay, Knife Depot, True Swords, and Knife Center sell Cold Steel swords. Nowaday coldsteel have their own personal website where authentic cold steel swords are their. Some other vendors are also selling cold steel knives and swords on their websites.

What are swords made of?

The material used to make a sword is steel. Although it used to be Iron or Bronze. Modern day swords are made of high carbon steel or properly heat treated martensitic stainless if they are properly made and intended to be used. Replica and ornamental swords are usually built from ferritic, austeitic, or poorly heat treated martensitic stainless steel.

Is tungsten used for ninja swords?

The short answer is no. For starters, if you are referrring to the weapon commonly referred to as the 'Ninja-to', it is a creation of pop-culture and has no precedent in the history of Shinobi. Ninja's did however use Katana's and Wakizashi, which are made from Carbon Steel(literally an alloy of Iron and Carbon, with no other elements). Tungsten is added to some modern swords, but Katana's are generally still made from Carbon Steel, though modern steel can be used, such as L-6.

Where were the samurai swords made from?

Samurai swords are from Japan. The swords were made of hardened steel.

What is a wushu sword made of?

Weapons used in forms competitions are normally made from spring steel, which explains why it wiggles. Combat-ready swords are usually made from carbon steel.

What is low carbon steel and high carbon steel?

Low carbon steel is steel with low carbon. High carbon steel is steel with high carbon

What Metal is used for making swords?

Various metals are used for making swords, including carbon steel, stainless steel, and Damascus steel. Carbon steel is popular for its durability and ability to hold a sharp edge, while stainless steel is known for its resistance to corrosion. Damascus steel is a type of steel known for its distinctive patterning and strength.

What were samurai swords made of?


What are fact of Japan?

The Samurai swords were built of the strongest steel of any swords ever made.

How do you differentiate stainless steel and normal steel?

Regular steel will "hold" a magnet. Some types of stainless steel will also hold a magnet strongly. I have several knives as well as swords of which some are made out of stainless steel and some are made out of high carbon steel which all hold a magnet equally as strong. If the steel in question rusts easily then that is a telltale sign that the object in question is probably made out of regular carbon steel. The only other means to differentiate between the two is a 'spark' test which can tell you whether you have stainless steel or carbon steel, otherwise sending a sample out for metallurgical analysis is the only other way to find out whether you have stainless steel or regular carbon steel.