The value of old Blue Willow pattern dishes depends on a few factors. The manufacturer, the age, the specific pieces and the condition are all important. So the value can be anywhere from a basic set worth $25 at a garage sale to an antique set with elaborate serving pieces in mint condition worth over $2000+.
The early pieces are lightweight, the china rings and the glaze is smooth. Few of the pieces were marked since there were so many manufacturers over time. Spode is making new pieces. If you have an unusual piece, it might be vintage and worth a few dollars more. Martha Stewart had a video on it and there are books with illustrations as well.
The dishes are worth saving if they are in good condition. Keep them yourself if you love them, or give them away to a thrift shop.
The value of your Blue Willow dish will depend on the maker of the dish and the date and amount originally made. Many companies made their own version of this well known pattern. Some companies where masters of the craft, others not so much. Also the actual makeup of the dish itself will ultimately determine value. Is it porcelain or stoneware. Go to Replacements Ltd to find out. They have the easiest site to use and currently the largest database.
Yes I have seen a blue willow plate that has 4 birds. My mother has one. It was a misprint and is worth a lot of money. I would take it to several antique dealers if you are wanting to get an appraisal on it. I suggest several, because there will be some that will tell you it is not worth anything more than the original design with two birds. I hope this helps.
Blue Willow was created in 1940.
Blue Willow (also known as "The Willow Pattern") is a blue pattern used on ceramic kitchen and housewares.
There are various types of Blue Willow dinner plates, all made at different times with different patterns. The current average value as of 8/10/13 would be around $55.00.
Blue Willow has 172 pages.
Willow Wichita Blue Weeping Willow
Blue dishes
It is a blue thing from korea
Amazon has Blue Willow by Johnson Brothers currently available. A fancier version is/was made by Spode with gold trim.
Blue Willow china is a popular type of dinnerware. Many people collect this to display in china cabinets as well as to use for food.
Yes, Blue Ridge dishes do contain lead based paint
blue berries.