If you use a gov't approved service to print postage meter style stamps, then it is legal. You cannot print a stamp (ie scan an existing one or use a picture online) and use it on a letter. This is mail fraud.
However, if you simply want to have the images, because some are quite beautiful, then you can print them. You just can't use them as stamps.
Do note that the artwork is copyright to the USPS, so you cannot use the image on goods for sale unless you have a license.
You can print content on stamp paper by replacing the stock paper with stamp paper in the copier. The copier will print on stamp paper in the same way it prints on stock paper.
Vista Print, Simply Stamps, Rubber Stamp Champ, The Stamp Maker and Current Labels can all create and ship a custom return address stamp for you company.
stamp, write, and inking.
paper, anything with print so to speak.
The forever stamp eliminates the need to print new stamps before a rate increase goes into effect. The stamp is still valid of that first ounce of postage.
Set the date before this.
Businesses do this procedure with heat transfer, you can do it with gold, silver, copper leaf, use a stamp, (rubber stamp, name or a simple picture) apply some "Size" (type of glue) to the stamp, then press the stamp on what you want to print, wait a 1/2 hr, until tacky and apply the foil with a real soft brush WA-LA You have done some foil printing
No, that is not valid for postage. It was just easier to print them that way. Make sure you use a real postage stamp on your letters.
it is really difficult but melynx sometimes carry them