No. All British Florins (Two Shilling coins) 1947 - 1967 are Cupro-Nickel, that is in most cases 75% copper and 25% nickel.
The last year British sixpences, shillings, florins, and half crowns were made with silver was 1946.
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The half-crown and crown are obsolete British coins. Under the old pre-decimal system, one crown was worth five shillings, and the half-crown was worth half that. At twenty shillings to the pound, the crown was 1/4 and the half was 1/8 of a pound. Or, the crown was 60 pence and the half was 30 pence.
Since the Recoinage Act of 1816 until 1919, all British Halfcrown coins were made from sterling silver with an Actual Silver Weight (ASW) of 0.4205 ounces.
In 1940 through 1946, half crowns weighed 14.138 grams and were 50% silver - they thus contained 0.2273 troy ounces of silver. In 1947, the half crown (and all other "silver" British coins) were changed to cupro-nickel, and thus contain no silver at all.
The value of a 1939 George VI British silver half crown can vary depending on its condition and wear, but ranges between $3 and $20.
The 1950 Half Crown of Georgius VI is not made of silver, but of cupro-nickel. 50% silver Hlaf Crowns were issued until 1946. Source: Wikipedia
It depends on the year. Up through 1919, it was sterling silver (92.5% silver), then in 1920 it was reduced to 50/50 silver and copper, and changed again in 1947 to a blend of copper and nickel, with all silver removed.
All U.S. half dollars from 1840 to 1964 contain .36169oz of silver.
British coins circulating in or around 1562 included - Gold coins - the Sovereign, Angel, Half Angel, Quarter Angel, Half Pound, Crown and Half Crown. Silver coins - Shilling, Sixpence, Groat (Fourpence), Threepence, Halfgroat, Threehalfpence, Penny and Threefarthings.
half (50%)1 Crown - George V1935Commemorative: Silver JubileeSilver (.500) - 28.28 g - ø 38.61 mm
Really depends on the date and condition. British half-crowns before 1947 are silver and worth substantially more than the ones dated 1947 and later. The ones before 1920 are sterling silver, worth more than the 50% silver ones of 1920-1946. But post a date if you want an accurate evaluation.